Pillow Talk

490 21 2

idk what the frick the title is, it's not a reference to anything but i thought it was clever, I realize it's not. think of this like a TV show the little breaks marking the time and date are kinda like when they go 24 hours ago or something.
edit: it's 2 AM, i havent showered in two days and joyriding is stuck in my head. let's do this.

Cas slid into the booth across from Charlie, gripping a tall mug in one hand, and a to go cup of coffee in the other.

"Thanks," she said enthusiastically, taking the coffee cup from him. "What'd you get?"

"Some sort of honey lemon tea," Cas replied, examining the contents of the cup. He then shrugged, taking a sip.

"So is he doing it again?"

Cas sighed, "yeah, last night, it's kind of hilarious."

Charlie leaned forward on her forearms, "So? Spill."

"Well it started last week at two AM."

Last week, 2:00 AM

"Dean? What the hell are you doing?"


Oh, he's sleep talking again.

Dean had managed to take all the blankets and throw them off the side of the bed in his sleep, then proceeded to wrap around Cas and mutter about how he was cold.

Cas groaned to himself, reaching over the side of the bed to retrieve the comforter.

Dean then grabbed his foot, refusing to let go.



"Dean, let go of my foot."

"Nuh uh, s'my foot."

"Not really."


Cas sighed and braced himself on the floor with both hands and pulled his foot from Dean's grip. He landed on his back with a loud thud.

When he finally got off the floor, probably bruised, Dean was fast asleep.


Charlie was practically cackling. "Did he even remember in the morning?"

"Nope, he said I was crazy. I had to show him the welt on my back for him to believe me!"

"What else happened?"

"Well, the next night at four..."

The next night, 4:00 AM

Cas woke up completely squished, and very warm.


Dean was laying completely on top of Cas, his arms around his shoulders and head tucked into his neck. Dean's hips were pinning him to the bed and his legs were wrapped around Cas' thighs.

Dean was saying something in Cas' ear. In... Latin? Dean knew Latin? Somehow in the nine months they had been dating this had never come up.

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