A rant for the Winchesters

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Sit down, shut up, and listen to me. Dean you ignorant ass, Sam, you're no better, Cas is important. I'm glad you semi realized this. HES NOT EXPENDABLE. Cas has literally never made a selfish decision in his life, he's always there when you need him. YOU ONLY CALL WHEN YOU NEED HIM FOR SOMETHING. Call him once in a while to see how he's doing Jesus Christ! Call him to tell him you appreciate him for once! Cas feels so bad about himself, I WONDER WHY. Kicking him out of the bunker was probably the asshole move of the century, Dean. I get that it was for Sam BUT IF YOU TOLD HIM WHAT WAS GOING ON HE COULD HAVE HELPED YOU. Then you show up at the Gas and Sip like nothing happened. ALSO LET HIM SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT FOR ONCE GOD DAMMIT! He told you he loved you. And he never got to hear it back. And now he's dead and you might not ever get to say it to the Cas you knew. He's a Winchester for Chuck's sake, act like it.

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