1: Waking Up

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A/N: Hello people's and welcome to the first chapter of The Sorcerer's Friend. If you have not read the prequel, Facing The Truth, please do so before reading this or else it'll make no sense. If you have then happy reading.

Jason's POV(the part in italics is the ending of the last story)

I stood up from the couch and stretched. "Dang, I feel like I've been sitting forever."

"You might as well been." Quentin pointed to a clock on one of the walls. "It's almost midnight."

"Really, I thought..." Suddenly feeling light-headed I cut myself off. I closed my eyes trying to make the room stop spinning.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard someone ask but I couldn't tell who had spoken.

"M'fine..." I mumbled my words slurring together. "Jus' need som' sleep." I opened my eyes and left the room. Leaning heavily on the wall I headed towards my room. But I didn't even make it to the stairs before I collapsed.

I could hear the sound of voices but they sounded faint as if they are far away. "...Jas... ...son..." Gradually they grew louder and I recognized one of the voices as Deadlox. "Jason! You gotta wake up man."

I groaned and opened my eyes. At first everything was fuzzy but my vision quickly cleared and I noticed I'm laying on one of the couches in the living room. Sky is sitting at my feet and Ty's face is above me as he leans over the side of the couch. Eden is crouched on the floor in front the couch holding my hand. Aden stands next to her while everyone else stands around the couch.

I groan again and attempt to move. Eden lets go of my hand as Sky helps me sit up. Once sitting up I put my head in my hands trying to calm my raging headache. Sky rubbed my back and asked. "Hey you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just got a headache," I murmured softly.

"What happened earlier?"

"Don't know. When I stood up I suddenly got dizzy. I thought I would try and sleep it off but I guess you know how that went."

Sky nodded and glanced at Seto. "Do you know what could have caused it?"

Seto shook his head. "No, not off hand. It could have just been a late side effect caused by the amount of blood lost when he was hurt."

I just barely caught the look Eden sent her brother. It was a look of fear and guilt. Aden stared at her for a minute before a look realization crossed his face. He grimaced before looking at me. I lowered my hands and met his gaze. He bit his lip softly and asked. "When you were fighting my father what sword was he using?"

Confused, I answered, "He was using a wooden sword but it looked like it was enchanted. Why?"

Eden gasped and exchanged glances with Aden.

"What is something wrong?" Mitch asked.

"The only enchantments that sword has is unbreaking and sharpness," Eden answered.

"Yeah so... What does that have to do with it?" I asked still confused.

This time Aden answered. "That sword is more than just enchanted. He coats it in a special poison that, unless you're a squid, can be very deadly."

"Then why didn't we notice it sooner and if he is poisoned wouldn't him moving around make it spread faster?" Ian asked annoyed that they weren't explaining everything in detail.

Eden sighed and shook her head. "It's a slow acting poison and it doesn't spread the same way other poisons do. It stays dormant for a few days before taking effect. At first it takes time but then it gradually spreads faster. When it starts it's like you have the flu or something but a lot stronger. Then it attacks your nerve system. So at first there's pain but then everything goes numb."

"How do know so much about it? I mean I know your half squid and you've spent five years with the guy who uses it but it's not like he'd give the details to the poison he likes using."

"Because he's used it on me."


"So then do you know how to cure it?" I asked hopeful.

Eden stared at the floor and sadly shook her head. "No, I don't."

The room went silent as her words sunk in. 'She doesn't know the cure. I'm... I'm gonna die.' I looked to Aden and he shook his head. 'He doesn't know one either! Am I really going to die because of some stupid squid poison?' I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 'This is it!? I'm really going to die.'

The silence was broken by Seto quietly saying, "I might know a potion that can cure it."

"Really!?" I asked trying not to get my hopes up too high.

He nodded. "The only problem is that I don't remember the ingredients and I let a friend barrow the recipe a while ago."

"Then all we gotta do is find your friend and ask for it back!" Sky nearly shouted.

"That's easier said than done."

"Why? Where does your friend live?"

"In the Tekkit Territories."

Eden stood up from her position on the floor and said. "About a day's walk west of here is one of the borders."

"Last I heard my friend is staying somewhere a few thousand blocks in from one of the borders but I can't remember which one."

"That doesn't matter!" Jerome shouted. "There's a chance that this border is the right one so we should go anyway! Besides it'd take too long to get to any of the other borders."

The room went silent again as everyone thought it over.

"I think it's worth the risk." Ty broke the silence. "It's our only choice we have so we might as well take it well we have the chance."

Everyone nodded in agreement. I gave a sad smile and muttered, "Thanks guys."

The mudkip spoke next. "Some of us will have to stay here. There's too many of us if we all go it'll only slow us down."

I nodded thoughtfully before saying. "What if only Seto, Ty, Adam, and I go?"

"You should stay here and rest." Ty protested.

Aden shook his head. "It'd be best if he went too. There's no telling how far the poison has already spread and how long it'll take to find Seto's friend. By the time he gets the recipe and comes back it could be too late."

Ty sighed in defeat. "Fine."

"While you're heading there we'll go back to Sky Army's base and check on things there." Jerome stated.

Sky nodded and glanced at a clock on the wall. "Alright we'll leave first thing in the morning."

Everyone agreed and left the room. Only Sky, Seto, Ty, Eden, Aden, and I remained. With a look of determination Eden said, "I'm coming too."

"Eden I don't think that's a good idea." Sky protested.

"Oh really? I know more about the poison than you do."

"She has a point." Seto chimed in. "She probably knows more about it than me."

Sky groaned. "Fine." He glanced at Aden. "I'm guessing you want to come too." Aden nodded and Sky sighed. "Alright fine. Now let's get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us."

We all stood and headed towards our respective rooms. I entered my room and climbed into my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

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