5: Day Two

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A/N: Before you say anything about that updating more than once a month thing it hasn't been a whole month. It's only been... (doing the math in my head) ...22, no 20, or is it 21. I don't know! It's only been a little over 20 days and I'm gonna work on chapter 6 after posting this. Anyway enough of me talking. On with the story!!! :P

Seto's POV

I awoke to someone knocking on the door. I sat up as the door opened. Sky stood in the doorway. "Good morning." I yawned and rubbed my eyes trying to wake up more. "Still tired?"

"A little," I mumbled.

He grinned. "Breakfast is ready if you want some."

"Thanks," I mumbled again. He nodded and left the room. I followed him down the stairs. Sky went into the kitchen while I went to the living room. Jason is awake. He's sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. I sat down next to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap," he muttered.

"No shit Sherlock," I retorted resisting the urge to Smack him. "Now seriously how are you feeling."

"I don't know." He sighed. "I can't think straight. I have a headache. My whole body hurts and I can't feel one of my legs."

"Do you think you can walk?"

"No and even if I tried I'd just slow you guys down."

"Anything else?"

"It hurts to move," he muttered. "And light makes my headache worse."

"Have you eaten breakfast?"


"You should at least try to eat something."

"Fine," he groaned. I sighed and stood up. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some bread for Jason and a few apples for myself. I then returned to the living room. I handed Jason the bread and sat down next to him again. We ate in silence.

Sky's POV

I walked out of Tyler's house carrying Jason on my back. He groaned at the sudden sunlight and buried his face into my shoulder trying to block it out. I bit my lip softly as I thought of what I was about to do. Then in a moment of pure bravery and selflessness I took off my sunglasses and put them on Jason.

"Thanks," Jason mumbled as everyone else stared at me in shock.

Eden was the first to smile and start walking down the street. When no one followed she stopped to look back. "Are you guys going to stand there all day or are we going to Tekkit Territories?"

Aden gave me a reassuring smile before following his sister. Soon enough everyone else followed as well. I stared at the ground as we walked to the edge of town. We were all silent until we reached the border and said goodbye to Tyler.

"So I'll see ya on your way back through," he asked.

"Yeah!" I grinned. "I'll see you then."

Tyler smiled and waved as we crossed 'the border' into Tekkit Territories. There isn't actually anything there that defines 'the border' except for Border Town but that doesn't really count. Anyway 'the border' is only defined by an imaginary line on a map.

We traveled across a vast plain until we reached a large body of water. Seto stared at it and calmly stated, "We're gonna have to cross it."

"But..." I trailed off thinking about the possibility of squids lurking deep in the water.

"Don't worry," Eden reassured me. "For some reason squids don't like to stay in the Tekkit Territories for very long."

"Okay but how are we gonna get to the other side?" Just then Ty ran forward and set a bunch of boats in the water. "What the Nether Ty!? Where to you get all these?"

"Well ya see, there were these trees way over there..." He pointed to a group of leaves that were still falling from where trees used to stand and an abandoned crafting table. "...and then thought 'you know we're gonna need some boats, lots and lots of boats'."

"But there's so many..." I exclaimed staring at the multitude of boats.

Ty shrugged and Jason muttered, "You two are idiots."

Everyone laughed and climbed into a boat. After about an hour we came upon an island covered in pigs. I would shout something about pigs or piglox but I don't want to make Jason's headache worse. We rowed up next to the island but didn't get out. We just sat in our boats staring at all the pigs.

"What is this place," Aden asked.

"Pig island Sanctuary," Seto replied. "It used to be called Oil Island but after the refinery blew up Simon renamed it. There used to be a wool statue of a pig that Simon live in for a while. Sips and Sjin remade it out of dirt but they had to stop because it was causing too many problems on the island. Now it's just the home of the 'Lesser Spotted Derpy-Pig'."

"So since you know what this place is does that mean we're heading in the right direction?" Eden asked hopeful.

"Yes. My friend can usually be found on the main land." He pointed to a land mass about a hundred blocks away.

"Then what are we waiting?" Ty grinned. I rolled my eyes and we all followed Seto past the island. Once back on land we walked through a field for a bit before reaching a group of buildings. The tallest one is white and gray with a dwarf and the words 'Honeydew Inc.' on the front. In front of it is a bunch of smaller ones. Some have signs saying what they are while others don't. There is also some different structures and machines for farming, an orchard, and a minecart delivery system. We stopped in the middle of the small buildings.

"You guys can wait here if you want. I'll be back in a minute," Seto told us and started towards the largest structure. He stopped momentarily to glance back at us. "Try not to break anything."

"What you don't trust us!?" Ty exclaimed.

"It's not that he doesn't trust you. He doesn't trust your TNT or your flint and steel," I explained sarcastically.

"Oh, okay." Ty hid the TNT he was holding behind his back. Seto rolled his eyes before continuing      toward the large building and knocked on the surprisingly normal sized door. I stopped watching when a brown haired spaceman answered the door. Besides I can't hear them from this distance. With all the distractions gone I finally noticed Jason's deep, shaky, uneven breaths.

"Jason is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I ca-" he cut himself off with a gasp and a sharp inhale. "Can't breathe," he finished quickly before passing out. He lost his grip on me and fell off my back. Luckily Aden was able to catch him.

"Eden go get Seto," I told her trying to give her something to do so she won't panic and have a breakdown.

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