13: Past is Present and Present is Past

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A/N: I'm sorry the chapter is alot shorter than usual. To make it up to you I promise, promise PROMISE the next chapter will be extra long and also next weekend I will upload 2 oneshots to Buried Secrets. For those who don't know what Buried Secrets is, it is a collection of oneshots based on this story and Facing The Truth.

A friendly reminder:

Jimmy= Earth-Seto

Seto= Minecraftia-Seto

Adam= Earth-Sky

Sky= Minecraftia-Sky

Seto's POV

I stared at the floor of Jimmy's living room reflecting on the past. I haven't spoken to anyone about Soro in years. After the incident I moved in with Duncan before moving to Craft City a year later. I looked up as Jimmy walked in the room followed by three others. Two of them I recognize from last night, Ridgedog and Lewis. So I ignore their introductions in favor of studying the third person of seems oddly familiar. I can't see his face because he's looking at a smile device in his hand. I think it's one of those things Notch called a phone. He looks up as Lewis introduces him and our gazes meet. I instantly recognize his golden brown hair, chocolate colored eyes' and a faint scar on his cheek. I cut Lewis off with a loud shout. "Soro!"

I tackled my little brother in a hug. He laughed softly. "Hey Jimmy. It's been a while hasn't it."

"A while!?" I questioned sadly. "We thought you were dead."

"Sorry but I didn't exactly have a way back."

As I pulled away from our embrace Jimmy addressed the rest of the group. "Why don't we go talk outside."

With that said everyone but Rythian, Duncan, Soro, and myself disappeared into kitchen. Soro smiled and looked past me at the other two occupants of the now empty room. "Hey Duncan! Hey Rythian! What's up?"

Rythian scoffed. "How can you act like nothing happened!? I thought we killed you that day!"

"Well it looks like that got you and Duncan to get along."

"Actually, it didn't." i sighed sadly. He gave a confused look, so I explained everything with two words "Temporary truce."

"What exactly happened that day?" Duncan asked.

Soro sighed. "The last thing I remember from that day is hearing a loud explosion and getting sent flying backwards before everything went black. I woke up in Lewis's house. Hannah was there so I asked what happened and said they found me unconscious not far from YogTowers. When she asked where I lived I couldn't tell her."

"Why not?"

"I couldn't remember." Tears formed in his eyes. "I couldn't remember anything except..." He stopped to wipe his tears."... except four names, mine and the three of yours. I was scared. I didn't know anything; who I was, where I was, why I was there, how I got there, where I lived, who I could trust." By now he was crying so hard his body was shaking as silent tears left trails down his face. I hugged him again. He returned the embrace as he cried into my chest. Eventually we formed a group hug although Rythian and Duncan tried not to be awkward about it they failed miserably and retreated from the embrace. Soro smiled softly. "Thank you." He pulled away as well wiping away the last of his tears.

"How'd you get it back?" Rythian asked.

"Get what back?"

"Your memory."

"I heard Lewis talking to someone. I got curious and went to see who he was talking to. When I saw Jimmy and Duncan I started remembering everything all at once. It ended up being to much for my head to handle and I blacked out. When I woke up I had all my memory back and asked Lewis if I could go with him." He explained. "So what happened to you guys on that day?"

"A crater was left in the ground and half our house was blown up. We all got sent backwards, Rythian and Duncan got knocked out but I didn't."

"What happened to your neck?" Soro traced the scar with two of his fingers.

"Rythian's sword was sent flying and it landed next to me."

"Next to you!? It looks like it fucking hit you!" Soro raged.

"I'm fine!" I shout back. I moved his hand away from my neck before quietly repeating myself. "I'm fine."

"Maybe now but you weren't then. I almost killed you." Rythian stared at the ground sadly.

"And yet you still continue to fight with Duncan," I retort.

"He almost killed me and Zoey!"

I whipped around to face him. "It was an accident! Get the fuck over it!"

"Seto calm down." Soro hugged me from behind successfuly holding down my arms. He could probably tell that I wanted to punch Rythian in the face. After a few minutes I calmed down.

"We should join the others," I said walking out the room.

The Sorcerer's Friend (Truth Series 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon