3: Friend or Foe, Helpful or Hopeless

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A/N: 3 words or is it 4. I'm not really sure. I guess I'll find out when I try to type it. So anyway my 3 or possibly 4 words are:


Okay I guess it's 3 words but I'm still not sure 'cause you can write it this way too:


So um... yeah... that's why this chapter is a little shorter than normal. But in other news I have a very important question for you at the end of the chapter.

Oh and I almost forgot! D: Did you see my new cover. I drew it myself! :D

Seto's POV

"Adam!? Is that you!?" A mysterious voice called from behind us. We turned around to find the voice came from a young brunet with black wide framed glasses. He wears a white shirt underneath an unzipped grey and red checkered jacket, similar to Mitch's hoodie, and dark blue jeans.

Eden grinned. "It's the brotato (bro-tah-toe).

Sky rolled his eyes and greeted the brunet. "Hey Tyler, What's up?"

"Not much," the brunet, Tyler, replied. "Haven't seen you guys in forever. It's nice to see ya and all but what brings you back to border town?"

"We're going to look for someone in the Tekkit Territories," Sky explained. "We're staying here for the night, then heading out again in the morning."

"Cool. Where are you staying?"

"Um... We don't know yet. You wouldn't happen to know of a place, would you?"

He laughed. "You can stay at my place if you want. I'm sure Kyle won't mind."

"Hey Adam! Aren't you forgetting something," Aden asked.

"What," Sky asked confused. Aden sighed and indicated toward me, Jason, and Ty. "Oh yeah. Sorry! Tyler, this is Seto, Jason, and Ty. Guy's this is Tyler. He's an old friend."

I smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

Tyler grinned. "Same here."

"Dude! We have the same name!" Ty shouted and Jason winced at the loud noise right next to his ear. Ty lowered his voice to normal before saying, "Well sorta."

Tyler laughed. "Yeah, I guess we sorta do."

Ty grinned happy with the brunet's response. However his grin quickly disappeared as he surged forward to catch a collapsing Jason. He placed his hand on Jason's forehead and frowned. "He's getting worse."

I walked over and mirrored Ty's previous action. "Holy shit," I swore under my breath before addressing the others. "This isn't good. His fever's gotten worse."

"What happened to him?" Tyler asked.

"I'll explain later," Sky replied. "But first... you said we could stay at your house."

"Yeah, follow me."

Ty picked Jason up bridal style and we all followed Tyler to his house. The house is two stories and made of cobblestone and oak wood. Just as we entered the house a man with pink hair and wearing pink clothing. He was moving too fast for me to get a good look at him. As he ran he shouted, "See ya later Tyler!"

"Kyle, wait!" Tyler shouted after him. The pink haired man stopped and glanced back at the brunet. "You don't mind if some friends of mine stay the night, do you?"

He shook his head. "No. I'll be out all night anyway. Dar* and I are going to the hardcore hunger games."

"Kay! Bye Kyle!"

"Bye." With that said the man continued running down the street.

Tyler closed the door as Sky asked, "Who is that?"

"Kyle? He's my roommate. Well, more like 'housemate' but you get my point." He explained before turning to Ty. "You can put your friend on the couch if you want." He pointed to a doorway that looks like it leads to a living room. Ty nodded and walked through the doorway. I followed him while the others went to a different room with Tyler.

Ty laid Jason on the couch and stood to the side. I kneeled down next to Jason and the couch. I gently grasped Jason's hand and felt his wrist for a pulse. "Thank Notch," I mumbled to no one in particular. "It's slow but steady." I then moved my hand to feel his forehead. I gasped. "It's even hotter than before." I looked up at Ty. "Can you ask Tyler if he has anything that I can use to try and bring his fever down?"

Ty nodded and left the room. I sighed and sat in a chair next to the couch. As my worried gaze traced Jason's body I thought back to my conversation with Eden.

Mini Flashback

Eden walked next to me as we followed Tyler to his house. Her eyes traveled around at the buildings before landing on Jason. "How is he?"

"Not good," I replied sullenly. "He's gotten worse, a lot worse. His forehead was almost too hot to touch."

"Will we make it to your friend before..." She trailed off, unable to finish the question.

"I don't know." I sighed not wanting to think of what would happen if we don't make it. I glanced at Eden. Her eyes shined with tears. "All we can do is hope for the best."

"Yeah I guess."

End Mini Flashback

I was brought back to reality when Ty walked back into the room. He handed me a cold damp cloth and I placed it on Jason's forehead. It was silent for a few moments before Ty spoke. "We've figured out the sleeping arrangements for tonight. There's a bunch of empty rooms upstairs. The others just went up figure exactly what room they're staying in. There's one room on the left at the top of the stairs. You and I get that room or we can stay down here."

"I'm staying down here. Someone has to watch Jason."

"Okay." Ty then left the room again and I continued to stare into space from my sitting position on the chair.

A/N: Okay so I have a question for you and there are three possible answers. I'm thinking of adding a few ships/pairings to my story. So what do you think I should add?

1. SetoSolace (Seto and Brice/GoldSolace)

2. Setolox (Seto and Ty/Deadlox)

Or 3. None at all (this will most likely not happen so I wouldn't even bother choosing it.)

So yeah... That's it!


*For those who don't know: Dar is Dartron and Kyle(the pink haired man) is Kkcomics.

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