2: Day One

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Eden's POV

I awoke to Aden shaking me but instead of getting up I just groaned softly and slapped his hands away. I then rolled onto my side and tried to ignore him.

"Come on, Eden. You got to wake up and get ready to go." I continued to ignore him before realization dawned on me and my eyes snapped open. Today we're supposed to be leaving to find Jason a cure to my father's poison.

I sat up quickly and asked, "What time is it?"

"A little past sunrise. Now hurry up, Adam and the others want to leave in an hour." He replied as he walked toward the door.

"Kay!" I called after him as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Once he was gone I climbed out of my bed and changed my clothes. Then I filled my backpack with stuff for the trip, grabbed my sword, and left the room.

When I came downstairs I noticed everyone gathered in the kitchen, everyone but Jason. He is lying on the couch in the living room with the lights off and an arm covering his face.

I walked into the kitchen and joined Adam, Ty, Seto, and Aden at one end of the table. "Is he okay?" I asked glancing in Jason's direction.

"He said he has a headache," Seto replied. I nodded my head knowingly and looked at Jason again.

For the next half hour I sat at the table silently, barely paying attention to the other's conversation and stealing glances at Jason every so often. My attention was brought back to the table when Mitch, Jerome, and the others that are going back to Sky Army's base stood up.

"Alright, so we'll meet back here in ten days?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah," Seto confirmed. "That should give us enough time to find my friend's house, cure Jason, and come back here."

"Kay! See ya later doods." Mitch grinned and soon only six people remained in the house.

Adam and Ty went to rouse Jason from the couch and Seto went to his room to get his things. The only ones left in the kitchen are Aden and I. He placed a hand on my shoulder and quietly asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Depends on your definition of okay."

"You know what I mean."

I sighed. "I don't know. I mean I should be happy right? After five years you, Adam, and I are together again. I'm finally free from that Notch damn castle. But I'm... not."

"So, why aren't you?"

My hands formed fists as I bitterly said, "Because that so called father of ours poisoned the boy I like..." My eye's started to water and I brought a hand up to wipe stray tears off my face. "...and he could die."

"So you do like him!" Aden exclaimed with a small grin trying to cheer me up.

"Oh, shut up!" I retorted, punching his shoulder lightly.

"Hey you two coming or what?" Adam called from the living room doorway.

"Yeah sorry," I exclaimed and ran towards the door of the house. Aden shook his head in amusement before following after me.

Jason's POV

I glanced at the sky wearily. The sun is directly above us and is slowly starting to descend. I'm starting to doubt that we will make it to the border before it completely disappears. We've been walking non-stop for the past seven hours. I've actually been doing surprisingly well considering my condition. I didn't need help walking until about an hour ago. So now I'm leaning heavily on Sky. One of my arms reaches around his shoulders while one of his arms supports my waist.

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