11: Not The Only One

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A/N: Chapter 11 is here! And school starts in exactly 1 week for me. The only reason I'm looking forward to it is because then I don't have to babysit the three little monsters anymore!

A friendly reminder:

Jimmy= Earth-Seto

Seto= Minecraftia-Seto

Adam= Earth-Sky

Sky= Minecraftia Sky

Jimmy's POV

"Well all this is very interesting but didn't you say you need help?" Duncan questioned.

"Yes. But before that, do you believe in alternate dimensions?"

"I have never seen one however I do believe they are scientifically possible." Ridge answered first.

"It may be scientifically possible but is there any proof that they actually exists?" Duncan questioned.

"Um... I have proof." I spoke softly.

"You have proof that another dimension besides our own exists!?" Lewis asked shocked and I nodded. "What does this have to do with you needing help?"

"There is currently six people from an alternate dimension staying at my house. I need help getting them back to their home." I explained.

"Scientist and technologists have tried making portals to other dimensions before but they never worked." Ridge stated.

"Were they missing something? Like some element of a portal that they forgot." Lewis said thoughtfully.

"Was it magic?" Simon said jokingly.

"Magic doesn't exist." Duncan replied sternly.

"No it exists. It's just not as common in your dimension." Seto stated calmly as he walked up behind me. "Your friend is probably right. The element your scientists were lacking is magic."

"Well how does that help us?" Ridge asked. "None of us can use or know anyone who can use magic."

"That's where my brother and I can help you." Seto replied.

"Who are you?" Duncan asked.

The cloaked boy grinned. "My name is Setosorcerer."

"Woah," Ridge whispered in awe.

"No way." Duncan's eyes widened momentarily.

"Where are you from? Minecraft?" Simon asked.

"The game you call Minecraft is based of our home dimension, Minecraftia." Minecraftia Duncan explained as he joined Seto.

"Who are you?" Lewis asked curiously.

"My name is Lalna, more commonly known as LividCoffee or Duncan. Though for the sake of everyone's sanity I suggest you call me by one of the first two." The scientist replied with a grin. The four people at the other end of the Google chat were in complete awe.

"This is unbelievable," Ridge muttered. "Who else came from your dimension?"

"Rythian, Sky, Jason, and Eden." Seto replied.

"Which one is your brother?" Lewis asked.


"Are the others different versions of youtubers too?" Simon inquired.

"Sky and Jason are different versions of my friends Adam or Skydoesminecraft and MinecraftUnervirse. As for Eden I do not know." Not even two seconds after I answered there was an incoherent shout from Adam. I looked in the direction the shout came from, the kitchen.

The Sorcerer's Friend (Truth Series 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora