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A/N: I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in forever. (No I have not been muffinnapped) Unfortunately this isn't a real chapter either. :(

My excuse(s) for not updating:

1.Color Guard practice started awhile ago so most of my time has been dedicated to that.

2.Most of my weekends have been taken up by parades that I have to participate in for Color Guard.

3.The last quarter of my school year started so my teachers are giving 4 times as much homework as they did before.

4.I've gotten addicted to playing on Skydoesminecraft's server. :P

So um... yeah. I won't be able to update for another 2-3 weeks. I have a bunch of finals and regents(state exams) coming up that I need to study for. HOWEVER when I do update I'll make sure I have a few chapters ready so you're not waiting as long. I'm also working on a few one shots to add to Buried Secrets. I'll try to write as much as I can when I'm not studying or doing stuff for Color Guard. I also have a graduation party to go to this weekend and a convention to go to next weekend. Both of these places are kinda far away from my home so I'll have plenty of time to write in the car and may be able to give you a chapter earlier than expected.

That's about it. So I guess I'll see ya in a few weeks.


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