12: Brother

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A/N: Woohoo chapter 12 is up! Sorry its a little shorter than usual. FYI since school has started again I will only be updating every other weekend. I will try to update every weekend but no promises.

Holy shitaki mushrooms, I just realized something!! The story is almost over!? D: There's only 2-4 chapters left! 5 at the most! But do not fear I have moar plans for dis story! :D You just have too wait and see... mwahahahahahahahahaha

 A friendly reminder:
Jimmy= Earth-Seto
Seto= Minecraftia-Seto
Adam= Earth-Sky
Sky= Minecraftia-Sky

Third Person POV

A comfortable silence settled over the group as the eight (Jason is still asleep) of them ate breakfast at Jimmy's medium sized kitchen table. The meal consists of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast; all of which is new to the Minecraftians. Deciding he had enough of the quietness Adam broke the silence with a question. "Hey Jimmy, did you get in touch with the Yogscast last night?"

"Yes. Help is on the way. They should be here sometime today or tomorrow," Jimmy replied.

"How many of them are coming?" Ty asked.

"I don't know. Most likely the four I spoke to last night; Simon, Lewis, Duncan, and Ridgedog."

Eden groaned. "So there's gonna be that two people with the same name thing again!?"

"If the other me comes then you can just call me Lividcoffee or Lanla," Duncan suggested.

"Okay!" She smiled gleefully. The room was once again enveloped in silence as they finished eating. Once they were done they threw out thier plates.

"I'm glad I have paper plates,"Jimmy mumbled as he cleaned the counter were he made breakfast.

Adam heard him and laughed. "You don't like doing dishes?"

"Nope and especially not when there's eight extra people at my house."

Adam just laughed again. "What are you going to do when there's more?"

"Crap! I didn't think of that." Jimmy groaned making Adam laugh harder.

Once everything was taken care of they all gathered in the living room. Eden, Sky, Adam, and Seto sit on the couch. Rythian sits in the chair while Duncan and Ty sit on the floor and Jimmy sits in his computer chair.

"So what do we do now," Eden asks.

"Now we wait," Jimmy replied nonchalantly. "By the way, how is your friend? He didn't look to good last night."

Eden shrugged sadly and looked to Seto for the answer. "The potion is still working its way through his system but he should be fine."

"What happened to him," Ty asked.

"He was poisoned by the squid king." Sky explained. "Duncan helped Seto make the cure."

They talked on for about an hour or so until a very certain question was asked by Rythian. "Seto what did you wish for?"

"W-what do you mean?" Seto asked quietly but he already knew his brother meant.

"Notch gave you and the scientist each a wish."

"I wished to see him again."

"Did you get to?"

"Notch said that my wish would be granted I just have to wait for the right time."

"Who's him?" Eden asked.

"My little brother,Soro. He disappeared quite a few years ago."

"What happened?"

"Remember last night when I got mad at Rythian and Duncan?"

She nodded. "You said something about learning to stop because of 'what happened last time'."

"Last time they got in a fight Soro and I tried to stop them. When all of our abilities collided the result was devastating. There was an explosion that left a whole in the ground and destroyed part of mine and Soro's house, Rythian and Duncan were knocked unconscious, my little brother disappeared, and I was left with this."He shifted the top of the sweatshirt he borrowed from Jimmy to reveal the scar in the side if his neck. He then hugged his knees to his chest trying not to let the tears in his eyes fall. Rythian and Duncan stared at the floor guiltily.

Rythian glanced at Duncan. "Hey scientist, how about until this ordeal is over we call a truce?"

Duncan nodded and held out his hand. Rythian shook it sealing the deal. Seto smiled at the two, grateful that he wouldn't have to see them fight even if it is just for a few days.

Jimmy's POV

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I called as I left the room. I opened the door to see three people on the porch. "Hello."

"Hey Jimmy! Long time no see!" Ridgedog grinned. He is dressed in simple blue jeans and a green shirt. Behind him stands Lewis dressed in Black dress pants and a red polo shirt a long with another person I don't recognize. I can't tell if they're a boy or girl. He, I'm asuuming it's a guy, wears black jeans and a purple Twitch hoodie. The hood is up so I can't see his face but I can just barely make out golden brown hair and chocolate colored. All of them exept for the mystery boy carry a full backpack. The mystery boy has a simple drawstring bag slung over his shoulder.

I smiled and beckened them him. "Come on in and I'll introduce you to everyone."

As soon as we entered the living room everyone's attention turned to me and the new guests.

Ridgedog's grin never seemed to fade as he waved. "'Ello! I'm Ridgedog or Ridge for short."

"I'm Lewis," He introduced himself before gesturing to the boy next to him. "And this is-"


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