Not for a million worlds

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Sirius was happy for another moment of his life. He didn't have these moments very often but when he did he really savored them. They were little orbs of happiness which he consumed, making in every bite. He was still a genuinely a happy person, even if he was a mistake in the family. He didn't really want much in life either. All he wanted was happiness and someone to be happy with. Isn't much to ask for, right? Well, nobody ever really gets what they want do they. Life is tough, but so are you so keep fighting. That's Y/N always told Sirius when he was sad. 

One of his happiest moments was when he was seven. His dad suggested the idea of going to a muggle amusement park. Sirius, to this day didn't know why he suggested something so.. unlike him. The hatred to muggles and muggleborns was so annoying to him, he couldn't comprehend it at all. He was always a bit rebellious, so even as a kid he didn't listen to what they said about muggles, or non-purebloods. He couldn't care less. At the amusement park Sirius and Regulus rode on millions of roller coasters, played mini games. The Black family was actually having a family moment, which never happened.

On one of the roller coasters, Sirius thought about how much fun he was having and that it would end soon. He really didn't want to go. He nearly cried then and there, on the 3 loop of the coaster but he couldn't cry then. No way, too many grown ups. When they used apparition Sirius then started bawling and yelling. When he was sent into time out he cried for hours. He wasn't much of a crier even as a kid. He would whisper to himself how he wanted to go home. Somewhere where he would be loved. He knew his mother hated him. It really did try to make her happier but nothing really worked.

One time she was happy with Sirius was when he went to a Malfoy's parties. Sirius went in a black tux and green tie. He showed himself of to hundreds of pureblood girls. Even with his girlfriend Y/N, which Sirius never told his family about. He was about to turn 16, he felt grown up as most teens do. After the party he left his family, to go live with The Potters. He couldn't handle it anymore which is understandable. It was awkward living with your girlfriends and best friends family at first. He lived there for 5 months. Living with them, with a loving family made Sirius happy. Lots of small things made him happy as well. 

Pranks. Sirius and James's favorite thing ever. Their hobbie. They would plan with every minute they had. Weekends, Holidays, Dinner and breakfast. Y/N and Remus would join sometimes. They found it good fun to, but sometimes they were busy studying for tests and such.

"Your such a Ravenclaw Y/N." Sirius said rolling his eyes. Y/N was reading on how the first broom was made. 

"What, I find it interesting!" Y/N said defenselessly holding up her hands.

"Well, you continue what your doing Ravenclaw." Sirius said, emphasizing on Ravenclaw. 

Y/N smiled and looked back down at her book. She could still hear Sirius and James talking over all the annoying sounds from snogging 6 years.

"Jesus, can you get a room or something!" Y/N then walked back into the common room.

Sirius loved his pranks so much, and were never caught it was very surprising. One time when Y/N did help out with some pranks she came up with an idea.

"Hey Prongs, Padfoot, Mooney!" Y/N hollered across the great hall. "I have an idea!"

"What is it Dragonwing?" Sirius asked ignoring all the other side conversations James and Remus were having. 

"How about we have a map." Y/N said excitedly. Sirius eyes widened. It was a pretty good idea, but why?

"The map, could show the school with all of it secret passage ways and have it show where everyone is! And I obviously know how to enchant it and make it more secret and harder to work." Y/N winked and went to tell Mooney and the others. Once she told them they though it was a great idea, and realized how much that would help with pranks.   

They started developing the map together, spent detentions working on it. Remus and Y/N would work on it during some quidditch matches that didn't really matter to them. They spent a good 3 months on that map. It was their pride and joy, a contract of the 5's friendship. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, Dragontail and Prongs. Proud to present you the Marauders Map. That made Sirius happy, and whenever Sirius was happy Y/N was happy. Prongs couldn't be happier with Y/N's boyfriend, threatening Sirius if he breaks his "little sisters" heart he would be screwed, which is still true to this day. I mean, - if James was still around. 

"Hey, Dragonwing wondering if you could tell me where that Kornish kid is?" Prongs asked Y/N. Elred Kornish, a Slytherin seeker boy was picking on Y/N. James was really pissed about it too. 

"No, brother mine, keep off of it. It's nothing I swear." Y/N said softly trying not to cause to much trouble.

"You solemnly swear?"

"That I'm up to no good!" Y/N replied wittily.

"That's not bad Wings." James laughed 

He added that onto the map, to open it. I solemnly swear I'm up to no go. Another great line by Y/N. She hid the credit. She didn't mind much either. Mischief Managed was all Remus, along with the cool hand writing cause to be serious Mooney had great handwriting. Peter was more artistic that most of them so he drew the little footprints and such. They 5 of them had so much fun making that map. She would send owls to her parents tell them how she never wanted to leave Hogwarts, because she didn't. Not for a million worlds. 

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