Movie night

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~Juvia's P.O.V~

Juvia grabbed her sleeping bag, snacks, school bag, and change of clothes. Juvia walked out of her apartment and ran to Lucy's apartment. Juvia and Lucy live in the same apartment building so Juvia just has to walk down the hall. Juvia made it to Lucy's door and knocked on it softly. When the door opened Lucy was in pink pajamas to go with Juvia's baby blue ones. "Hey Juvia." She smiled and let Juvia in. "Thank you Juvia is happy to be here." Juvia smiled as Lucy grabbed a bowl of popcorn. and some drinks. "What movie are we starting with?" Juvia asked turning on the TV. "I think we should start with Harry Potter, but it's your turn to pick." She sat down and handed me all the movies. "My best friends girl." She blushed and fell off the couch. "Juvia I didn't know you liked stuff like that." Juvia nodded her head. "Juvia likes that movie though." Lucy nodded and put the movie in the disk player. Juvia and Lucy skipped the previews and got straight to the movie.

Juvia and Lucy made it to the dirty scene and Lucy hid her face in Juvia's shoulder. "Eww!" She took one peek and hid back in my shoulder. "L-Lucy!" Juvia blushed and felt her heart beat speed up. "When we finish this movie were watching Harry Potter!" She whined as we got closer to the end. When the movie ended Juvia got up and put Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone in the disk player. Juvia smiled every time Lucy would say a line with the person on the screen. "Oh, honestly, don't you two READ?" Lucy said with Hermione. When the movie ended Juvia and Lucy watched the rest of the movies and finished them all. "What next?" Juvia asked Lucy. "How about 50 first dates?" Lucy smiled at Juvia making Juvia blush. "O-okay." Juvia picked up 50 first dates and played it.

Half way through the movie Juvia was very sleepy and Juvia could tell Lucy was too. The movie finished and Lucy was asleep on Juvia's shoulder. "L-Lucy! Juvia thinks we should go to bed." Lucy then fell on Juvia's lap. Juvia blushed a dark red. She laid down and wrapped her arms around Lucy. "S-she smells so...nice." Juvia sniffed her hair and fell asleep. 'Maybe Juvia does love her.'

                                                                           ~Lucy's P.O.V~  

The sun shined through my blinds and I felt a warm body hugging me. Natsu didn't spend the night. I opened my eyes wider and saw Juvia holding me while smelling my hair. I blushed a deep red and tried not to wake her up while I checked the time. 6:00. We need to start walking in an hour. I shook Juvia and then she woke up. "Come on we need to start walking in an hour." She nodded and walked into the bathroom to change. I changed into my uniform and put my hair up in a pink ribbon. When Juvia walked out she was in her uniform and her hair was up in pig tails with blue ribbons. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded her head and grabbed her school bag.

We walked to the elevator. Juvia pressed the down button and the doors opened. We walked inside and I pressed the 1 button. The doors shut and we stood in silence. "Juvia...Juvia enjoyed last night." Juvia said as my back was turned. I blushed a deep, deep, deeep red. "Y-y-y-y-yeah." The doors opened and we walked out. "Hello Lucy, Juvia." The man at the counter waved to them. "Morning Mr. Conbolt. How's Romeo-san doing?" Juvia asked with a smile. "He's doing well. He met a girl named Wendy and I can tell he likes her." I smiled. "Wendy's the name of my boyfriend's sister." He nodded.

"Have a nice day you two." We waved goodbye and opened the doors. We walked to school and saw Natsu and Gray talking to two girls. The girls were blushing and Natsu was staring at her BREASTS! "Gray-sama is looking at that girls butt." Juvia said. For some reason though, I didn't feel jealous. "I'm gonna get their attention. NATSU!" He looked at us and silent what upped me. Y'know when you lift your head up. "That was rude." Juvia walked over and pulled me over. "Hello." Juvia held Gray's arm and smiled at the girl who was talking to him. "Hey baby." Gray kissed her cheek. "Hey Luce." Natsu gave me a peck on the lips and held my hand. "Hello, I'm Yukino and this is Minerva." A girl who looked a lot like Lisanna smiled. "Hi. Are you new?" I asked the girl named Minerva. She had long black hair. "Yes we transferred from Sabertooth academy."

Juvia and I nodded. "We actually came with two other people." They looked around then a blond sneaked up behind Yukino and tickled her. "AH! Sting!" She laughed. Then a black haired boy who looked a little goth walked over. "Yo! My names Sting and this is my cousin Rogue." The blond smiled at us. "Nice to meet you." We shook hands then the bell rang. "Let's get to class." Gray said walking away with Juvia. "Bye Yukino, Minerva, Sting, and Rogue!" I waved goodbye and walked into school. When we made it to class everyone was talking. I looked around the room and saw Erza and Levy. "Levy-chan, Erza." I walked over and sat down next to them. "Hello Lucy." Erza smiled. "Lu-chan how was movie night with Juvia?" I blushed remembering how she was holding me. "The usual. We ate snacks, watched a bunch of movies, and went to sleep." We talked for a while until Ms. Mira walked inside. 

"Alright class today we'll be working on our projects." Everyone groaned besides Juvia and I. "The project is your must choose anyway, singing, painting, acting, to tell someone in your group how they make you feel." Everyone started whispering and giggling. "First you must choose the person, then you choose how you'll tell them, finally you will work on the project and present it to everyone in the class. Good luck." We split into our groups and started working. "Who are you doing Natsu?" Gray asked him. "Lucy, duh." He rolled his eyes. "I'm doing Juvia." Gray said.  "Who are you doing Lucy?" Gray asked me. "I don't know..." Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He glared at me. "U-um...I mean I might want to do Juvia." Juvia raised her head and blushed slightly. "What about you Juvia?" Gray asked. "Same as Lucy." She smiled at me and I blushed. "Don't worry about the due date. It's due at the end of the year." We all nodded.

'Natsu or Juvia? Hmm...'

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