Lucy comes out proudly but Juvia hides

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~Levy is bold, italic is Erza, normal is both~

I was packing my bags up when Lucy walked in. "Levy...can I tell you something?" She asked. "Of course Lu-chan." She sat down on my bed and then broke down. "LUCY!" I hugged her tightly.

I was packing my many bags when Juvia walked in. "Hello Juvia." I smiled. Erza...can I tell you something?" She asked. "Of course. You can tell me anything." She sat down on the bed then in seconds broke down. "Juvia!" I held her close.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. She looked at me. "I always thought I knew who I was. I'm captain of the gymnastics/swimming team, I was dating the quarter back/captain of the basketball team, and I had a great best friend. Now I don't have two of those things." Lucy/Juvia cried into my shoulder. "I know but why are you crying?" I asked sadly.

"I...I..I'm...a..." Lucy tripped over her words.

"I...I..I'm...a..." Juvia chocked over her words.

"Levy/Erza...I'm a lesbian." I froze. Every mussel in my body gave up, and my mouth went dry. Lucy/Juvia, my best friend, is a lesbian. "I-I...I am very honored that you told me this." I said hugging her. "Thanks." She replied.

"I'm gonna tell my household, and the others. I'm going to come out to the world...I'm gonna come out to her." Lucy said proudly. "Her?"

"I'm not ready for anyone to know. My mom, dad, family, everyone else. They can't know. I especially can't tell...her." Juvia said quickly, panic obviously in her voice. Wait..."Her?"

"Can you keep a secret/can you keep another secret?" I nodded quickly. "Well...I'm in love with someone." I smiled widely. "Lu-chan/Juvia that's great!" I hugged her. "The problem is..."

"What?" I looked at Lucy. "It's..."

"What?" I looked at Juvia. "It's..."

"I'm in love with Juvia."

"I'm in love with Lucy."

My body froze again. Juvia/Lucy...loves Lucy/Juvia? "I kissed her a couple times and none of them were pecks on the lips or kisses on the cheek! Well one was that she/I gave her." Lucy/Juvia freaked out about what she said. "It's fine." I assured her.

"Now time to tell everybody. They are waiting for us." I helped Lucy pack and we walked out of the hotel. We ran into Juvia and Erza and we all acted pretty weird. "Bye guys." Maka, Soul, Liz, Patty, Crona, and Kid waved bye from the entrance of the hotel. We boarded the bus and Lucy was nervous. "You got this." I told her. She nodded and stood up in front of everyone. "Minna...I have an announcement." Everyone looked at her.

~Lucy's P.O.V~

Oh god! Their staring at me. This wasn't the best idea. No Lucy! You can do this, you got this. I took a deep breath and made eye contact with Levy, then Juvia. "Guys...I'm gay." There was a long pause then everyone smiled. "We still love you." They said together and Mira and Erza gave me a tight hug. Natsu and Gray didn't say anything, I already knew Natsu was homophobic so this didn't surprise me. "Are you coming out to your family?" Jellal asked me as we drove back to school. "Yes, and after that I'll let the word spread." He nodded and sat back down. "I can't wait to tell Lisanna." I giggled thinking of her reaction. When we made it we were just dropped off at our houses. I was given a lot of best wishes and good lucks from my friends as I ran to my parents house. "SURPRISE!" I yelled happily. My mom and dad gave me hugs as Virgo my maid ran down the stairs to greet me. "Can I tell you something? All of you?" After I said "all" every maid and butler gave walking into the room. They sat down. This will be easy because we always go to gay supporting parades and dad even paid for the damage of that horrible bombing. "Mamma, Papa, everyone...I...I-" Dad cut me off. "You're gay?" Shock ran across my body. "We know." Mom said. "We knew ever since you and Juvia went to Fairy tail academy. You always seemed happier with her than Natsu." I cried. "Lucy?" My maids ran up and hugged me. 

"Thank you." I whispered. "What?" They got closer. "Thank you for loving me. Straight or as a lesbian."

~Juvia's P.O.V~

I walked into my apartment and flopped on my bed. "I can't do it!" I yelled throwing my phone on the chair. My parents are homophobic and I don't want Lucy knowing. "Guys...I'm gay." I can't believe she said those three words with such ease. I blushed thinking about Lucy. Everything about her made me fall in love with her. Her hair, her eyes, her voice, the way she does back flips, how she says my name, the taste of her lips, how they make my lips feel rough, and how she treats me. Lucy Heartfilia stole my heart the second I met her. I'll never forget how I met her. How could I?

It was the happiest moment of my life. The day I met Lucy...was the day I fell in love

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