It happened at the pool

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~Lucy's P.O.V~

"Do you think Natsu and Gray would make a weird couple?" I asked as Juvia was doing her laps. Juvia and I are finally talking to each other again and I'm happy. And it's not because I'm in love with her. Actually that's a lie. "I think Natsu likes Gray." She said grabbing her goggles. "Hey tell me if this dive is good." I looked over at Juvia and blushed red. She wasn't wearing her swim meet swimsuit she was wearing a purple bikini with white polka dots. "W-why aren't you wearing your swim meet swimsuit?" I asked holding the blood back. "I needed to wear a different swimsuit." She got onto the diving block and smiled. She got into the diving position. Her breasts were squished together and I was staring at them. "Ready Lucy?" I nodded my head. She moved forward a little, then back, forward, back, the forward. Finally she did her dive. "Hooray!" I stood up and clapped. She wasn't coming up. "Juvia?" I walked down the bleachers and they saw her on the bottom of the pool.

"Juvia!" I took my shirt, shoes, socks, and skirt off and was in my underwear. I dived into the water and swam to the bottom. Juvia's head had some blood on it and I was led to believe she hit her head. I grabbed her by the waist and swam up. I made it to the top and put Juvia on the floor. I hauled myself out of the pool and looked at Juvia. "Here we go." I held her nose and did CPR. After a minute of CPR Juvia sat up and threw up some water. "Juvia!" I hugged her tightly. "Lucy why are you in your underwear?" My eyes shot open and I looked down. My bra was so wet you could see through it. I looked behind me to see the same thing with my panties. "O-oh! I-I didn't have a swimsuit and you were d-drowning and-" Juvia cut me off and kissed my cheek. "Oh god I'm so sorry." I laughed it off. "Thanks." She blushed then smirked. "What?" I eyed her. She stood up and hoisted me over her shoulders. "Whoa! You're so strong." She laughed. "Yeah doing all those laps really gave me super human upper strength." She slapped my ass and snickered. "J-Juvia!" I knew she couldn't see me but I knew she could see my blush. Then the power went out. "Op!" Juvia laughed and threw me into the pool. It made a huge splash and she was laughing.

"JUVIA!" She just laughed harder and jumped in. She pulled me down and hugged me underwater. I blushed but hugged back. Then we floated back up. We laughed and swam to the end. "Why do you love swimming so much?" I asked Juvia. "Ever since I was born water was a huge part of my life. Of course it led to teasing but I didn't mind it because...I had you." I smiled. "Thank you." She nodded. "Yes! But don't you think we should get home?" After she said that lightning split the sky and thunder roared. "Umm? Maybe stay a little while longer." She nodded and slid back into the pool. "Wanna know what I love about water?" She got closer. "What?" I asked getting even closer. "You can kiss underneath it." She whispered. Then she pulled me underwater and before I could swim up she cupped my face. She smiled then kissed me. I kissed her back without thinking. She smiled in the kiss and we floated up again, but that didn't stop us. We kept kissing. Then she broke the kiss. She didn't say anything. She got out of the pool and sped walked into the locker room. I wanted to follow her but something stopped me. 'Why won't I move? I love her! Move Lucy!'

~Juvia's P.O.V~

No! No! NO! She hates me again I just know it. "Why did I do it?" I asked leaning against the wall. I walked over to the showers and turned them on. I'm the only one here so I stripped down. "What's up with you?" I looked over and saw Lucy in her 'swimsuit'. "Go away." I said. "Juvia please talk to me." She walked down the ramp. "I said go away." I said louder. "Juvia she reached for my shoulder. "I SAID GO AWAY LUCY!" I yelled. She put her hand on her stomach. "Okay." She walked away and left through the door that led to the pool. Why? Why was the question I asked when I changed, when I left school, when I took the bus home, when I waited in the elevator, when I unlocked my apartment door, and when I went to sleep. 

"Why am I a lesbian for Lucy?"

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