Chapter 2

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I slapped him.

I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!! (No, i'm not being over dramatic because there was a rumor that the last time somebody had a hardcore fistfight with Stephen, they were never heard from again...)

His face was filled with shock and... a hint of amusement?  Maybe I was just imagining it but whatever that was I didn't like it. Deeply treasuring my life, I made a run for Sparky's classroom, knowing that I was going to be given a long lecture on my timing.

I entered the class, panting, only to be met by a stern look from Sparky. Meet Mr.Sparks, known across the student population as Sparky, he's probably the oldest teacher in the whole school, age-wise and teaching-wise.

"Ms. Waters, I would appreciate it if you could care about actually getting to class on time instead of having to run across the hallways so loudly that you sound like a giant, stomping banshee." He then nodded at me to sit down.

Could this day get any worse?  I walked to my chair, the eyes of the whole class following me as I sit down. My cheeks start to flame up but I try to hide it by lowering my head. I quickly flip my textbook to the page written on the board and start reading the information.

A whole dreadful 40 minutes later, I was out in the corridors trying to get to my locker through the sea of sweaty students. I reached Mckenzie's locker just as she closed it. "Aaaaaaaaa!!!!," she lets out a loud scream, earning glares from the crowd around us and a long laugh from me.

"You scared me so much!! Never ever do that to me again, you understand?!?!" She remarked furiously. I couldn't keep in my laugh anymore but I just nodded along to what she said, knowing full well that I was never going to stop. By the look of the glare she was giving me I could tell she knew that as well.

As soon as we sat down at our regular lunch table I started spilling about what happened with Stephen. She listened quietly the whole time I was talking but it was a whole different situation when I finished the story.

"WHAT!? HOW!? WHY?!" 

After a few seconds of talking like that she finally calmed down a little and just stared at my face for a while before speaking up. "Sweetie, you know that you're not going to survive after this right?"

"Wow, thanks for assuring me of my well-being Kenz, I really appreciate you telling your best friend that she's going to die soon."

I sighed, knowing full well how over-dramatic we were being, but it was still a possibility considering Stephen's past rumors. Before I could think about it too much though, my other best friend sat down right beside me.

"Hey Jamie," I cheered. Jamie Dolton was another one of my best friends (Maybe even my only friends..) We've known each other ever since we were both 6 years old. He's the first friend i've ever had and I owe him a lot, but he always tells me it's nothing and that as friends we are supposed to have each others backs no matter what.

"Why, hello there Milady," He tries to speak in a posh British accent but fails. " I heard from a little gossip bird that my own little birdie over here SLAPPED Stephen Murano," he states, putting the emphasis on the 'slap' part.

Knowing that he wanted me to elaborate, I gave him a sort of pleading look so he gets that I don't want to talk about it right now. He understands the signal, gives me a wink and changes the topic to something about Star Wars.

For as long as I can remember, Jamie has been a die-hard Star Wars fan. I never really understood the concept myself no matter how many times he tried to explain it to me, so after a couple of years he just gave up all hope in trying to make me like him.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class. I groaned at the thought of Calculus and waved goodbye to my friends. On the way to my locker I noticed a mop of dirty blonde hair hovering around it.

Oh no. No. No. no. no. no. no .no. NOOOOOOOOOOOO

I tried to make a run for it again but his eyes settled on mine before my legs could turn around. He smirked a tiny bit but I couldn't tell with what intentions. I pretended not to notice it so I just strolled to my locker, acting as if I wasn't petrified by his presence.

" Hey there babydoll," He spoke with such ease it was kind of startling. "Sorry about earlier, It seemed kind of out of place."

Was he me?!?!?!?!?!

Like this morning, I couldn't conjure up a response (Luckily I didn't slap him again). I just gaped at him wide-eyed and was frozen to the spot.

He seemed satisfied with my response because he gave me a side smirk which sent shivers down my spine and slowly whispered.

" Hope you remember my little note."

With those words he left, leaving me petrified of what he may have written on the note which may or may not be inside my locker at this very moment.

I hastily opened my locker, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I was met with those 3 words that were likely to change the rest of my life.

You Owe Me.


Author's note:

Hi guys! Sorry, but you have been met by yet another cliffhanger. Oh well...If you enjoyed that chapter please don't forget to smash that vote button!

What did you guys think of Jamie so far? And Stephen's mysterious note?

Let me know in the comments what you think!

Picture up at the top is of Alisha Waters, played by Nina Dobrev.

This chapter is dedicated to @kag7423 from M for boosting up my writing sensation when I was procrastinating pretty badly. LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!

Yours Truly, M.

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