Chapter 6

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We have to actually pretend to be together for everyone to see.

Just that one sentence could take a turn of events in my life, even cause a chain reaction in my future...but I didn't care.

When Stephen told me in his car this morning that we would have to act as a real couple for everyone to see, I knew how it was going to end and I didn't want that to happen...not yet maybe.


"Are you sure that they told everybody and not just a few people who kept their mouths shut?" I asked, starting to hyperventilate.

"Yes, Babydoll. Almost everybody in the whole school knows by now, and if we don't show them that we are dating then they will make both of our high school live's a living hell, they will never forget about it." He took in a deep breath  and then continued, but as if he didn't want to.

"Look, I know you've already done me a huge favour by agreeing to go to the ball with me and being my girlfriend in front of my parent's, but now this also reflects on your reputation and not just mine. You've already saved me from humiliation, now let me save you. Do you trust me?"

He held out his hand as if to signal a relationship, or maybe just to hold my hand, but I hesitated in holding it. Do I really trust Stephen Murano? I've only known him for 24 hours but he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him so far and for some miraculous reason my gut is telling me to give in, to accept, and my gut is never wrong.

After another moment of silence and him looking at me hesitantly, I smile at him and say "I do," and put my hand in his.

He gives me a smile that melted my heart and held on tightly to my hand. "Good, now let's show the world what we're capable of." I give him a reassuring smile and get out of his car, his hand in mine the whole time, making me feel unstoppable.


As my thoughts linger over the memory of this morning a small smile creeps it way on to my face, almost unconsciously.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood all of a sudden?" Mckenzie asks, walking over to our table with three Starbucks hot chocolate in her hands. 

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about what happened this morning." I couldn't lie to Mckenzie about anything so I just flat out told her. She yet again had this devious smile on her face which always meant something bad.

"Oh really, and what particular event from this morning were you thinking about?" She gave me an even wider smile as if to prove some sort of point, but I wouldn't give in so easily.

"As if i'm going to tell you that. Give me that large cup!" I say while trying to get the largest cup out of her hands. Everybody who knows even a tiny bit about me knows that i'm a HUGE Starbucks fan, and I always have two drinks. A mango passionfruit tea in the summers and a hot chocolate in the winters, and it is currently mid November.

"They're all the same size," she deadpans. "By the way, where's Jamie? Wasn't he supposed to be here by now?" She gives me a confused look before spinning her head to look out the window, probably searching for his car.

"I don't know, he called me 5 minutes ago saying that he just left the house and was on his way." My thoughts went back to this morning and that's when it hit me.

"Kenzie, I just remembered that this morning, when Stephen took me in to his car, I saw from the corner of my eye that Jamie was staring at me with his mouth wide open, and we haven't even told him about the whole situation. Do you think he sort of got the wrong idea?"

"Lisha, this is Jamie we're talking about, our best friend, the guy we have known for 7 years, or maybe for you that would be 12 years. Anyways, the point is that Jamie trusts you and he knows that what you do is always for the best, plus i'm sure once you explain everything to him he'll understand and wish you luck. Don't sweat it."

I nodded and looked up because at that exact time Jamie entered the coffee shop, looking a less cheerful than usual, which was really strange because Jamie was always cheerful.

"Jamie, what happened?" I ask him, a little bit of worry making it's way in to my voice.

"Birdie, we need to talk about this morning," is all he can say, clearly exhausted. Jamie was always very overprotective of me, that's another reason why my parents trusted and liked him so much, because they knew that whatever happens Jamie would always be there to protect me and guide me.

"Right, about this morning...." I had no idea how to start but he saved me the trouble of working my brain.

"WHAT were you doing in Stephen Murano's car? WHY were you two holding hands? and WHY did I overhear so many people talking about you and Stephen being a COUPLE?!?!?" I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was particularly annoyed of how he didn't have any knowledge of this before the rest of the school, considering we were life-long friends.

"Look Jamie, I know you must be really mad at me right now and you have a right to be too, but before you jump to any conclusions can I just explain myself? I promise you when I explain everything you're gonna have a whole different look on the situation, ok?"

He just gives me a long look and then obliges. "Fine, but you have 10 minutes before I change my mind." I give him a huge hug and let him grab his cup before talking.

It took my 25 minutes to explain my whole story, and in that time all Jamie did was stare at me with his mouth wide open and Mckenzie who gave me a knowing look. When I finished I sat staring at Jamie, waiting for him to process all of the information he was just told.


"YOU POOR BABY! You've gone through so much in 2 days and you didn't even once express you're pained feelings! Don't worry, i'm here now and I won't let anything happen to you, I swear on my life !"

I could only giggle while Jamie ran out of his chair to give me a tight comforting hug, I didn't even once object because I badly needed some sort of comforting right now.

People say that the reason Jamie acts like such a girl sometimes is because he is bisexual but I think it is because he has been around me for so long that he doesn't know how to act any other way.

"Thanks Jamie, you have no idea how tired i'm feeling right now. The only thing I can think about is my bed and a nice cup of hot coco, luckily I have one thing out of those two,"I state while raising my cup of hot coco in the air.

We talked for a while after that, Jamie later on taking me and Mckenzie home since we came here on the bus. The whole time Jamie just kept reassuring me that everything was going to work out and that I was going to be ok in the end.

If only.


Author's Note:

 Hi guys! Wasn't that chapter just so satisfying? If you enjoyed that chapter don't forget to smash that vote button!

What did you guys think of Alisha's gut decision? and Tyler?

Let me know in the comments below!

Picture up at the top is of Jamie Dolton, played by Tyler Oakley.

Yours truly, M

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