Chapter 7

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It's already been 2 weeks and yet there has been no change in the whole school's behaviour, they're all still stunned that i'm Stephen's girlfriend. I had sort of gotten used to all the attention and weird stares that people gave me as I walked down the hallway so that wasn't any thing new or uncomfortable for me, mainly because I had lived through all this before but just minus the whole 'fake girlfriend' thing.

Last night I called Stephen about what to do in this situation and what to prepare for the ball, which was coming up sooner than I thought. I didn't even have any experience of that sort of thing besides prom last year so I had some sort of dilemma on the etiquettes and things like that.

Over the course of the past couple weeks I think Stephen and I had clicked somehow, and we became more acquainted to each other, so now he didn't really get on my nerves as much as he used to (but yet again, he got on my nerves all the time). 

I could tell that when Stephen had his bad boy facade off, he was actually a pretty nice guy. I didn't think that our relationship felt rushed but instead it felt so natural and flowing, something that rarely happened with me.

We still didn't know much about each other but I didn't think we needed to since we were doing just fine the way we're going. Last night during our chat Stephen invited Mckenzie, Jamie, and I to his lunch table so that it seemed more like we were in a proper relationship, so I reluctantly agreed.

No matter how chit-chatty we got with each other I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was seriously off about Stephen, that this isn't supposed to go as smoothly as it has been, that we were going at a rather fast pace.

I made a mental note to still keep my distance in private, when we aren't displaying our 'love' for each other in front of the whole school.

With all that in mind I made my way through the school gates with Mckenzie by my side. I immediately spotted Jamie waiting for us by Mckenzie's locker, typing intently on his phone with a small smile playing about his lips.

Mckenzie and I both shared a knowing look while we slowly and quietly creeped our way towards Jamie, with Kenzie going sneaking behind him.

"HEY JAMIE!" I shrieked out in an attempt to shock him, and sure enough it worked, because in a hurry he hid his phone behind his back. Exactly what we wanted.

In his flustered state it became much easier for Mckenzie to take his phone and quickly read the latest messages between him and this 'person' of his.

"Oh my god Jamie, how could you hide this from us?!" Jamie knew that fighting back was worthless so he just stood there and started to blush. I ran over to Mckenzie and read through the texts. I saw that he was flirting!!!

"Jamie," I tried to say in the calmest voice possible," Who is this person that you are shamelessly flirting with?"

"That person may or may not be Ashley Jefferson..." I knew that he was trying to be careful with what he said otherwise it wouldn't end up pretty, but as soon as he said that name something inside me clicked.

"ASHLEY JEFFERSON!?" Jamie immediately recoiled at my sudden outburst. "You mean Ashley Jefferson my neighbour? The girl who broke in to my house in 3rd grade just so she could steal my candy stash? The girl who is known around school for sleeping around?" 

I didn't want to say slut in front of Jamie but I had no idea that he would allow himself to be in this position in the first place. Jamie blushed profusely and muttered something along the lines of 'maybe or maybe not'. I just stood there in shock, mirroring Mckenzie's expression, hoping for Jamie to tell us that this was all just a joke and that we were pranked hardcore, but nothing happened.

We were in this position for a while before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, only to be met with deep blue eyes right in front of me, at a rather close proximity at that. 

Stephen backed up a bit and gave me a genuine smile, something I came to realise a while ago. Usually when he smiled at people (girls in particular) he gave them a lazy smile, but nowadays when he was around my friends and I he was genuinely nice to us, and didn't act (as much).

Right beside Stephen was Cosmo. He gave me a smile as well as a 'hi' and a wave. The few times I have spent with Cosmo I realise more and more that he's the reason Stephen became nicer to me. 

I can still remember exactly how Stephen treated me in the first few days we knew each other, but then all of a sudden there was a change within him. Those 'new aspects' within his character were the same aspects of Cosmo's character, so I put two and two together.

"Hey guys," Stephen said looking around at us. He seemed to be a puzzled at our situation so he asked "Is something wrong?" As soon as he said that a thought must have dawned on him because his eyes widened and in a panicked state he said "Did anybody hurt you? corner you? or did somebody find out?"

I calmed him down and then explained to him that it was just a personal thing that happened and that there was nothing for him to be worried about.He must've understood that I didn't want to discuss it anymore so he didn't urge me on either. 

The bell rang at that moment so we all headed towards our classes. Stephen and I bid our friends goodbye and walked towards our Maths class. We walked side by side in silence, somewhere along the way he offered his hand out to me. I stared at it for about a second before Stephen spoke up, breaking the silence between us.

"I know that we haven't known each other long, I mean two weeks isn't exactly a long time, but I feel that we have some sort of special connection that only two friends can share.  I really appreciate you taking this 'leap of faith' in to my complicated life."

I felt a light blush creep on to my cheeks, and it seemed like Stephen noticed it too because he smiled. 

Internally shaking off my nerves I replied "Stephen, how many more times are you gonna so formally thank me for doing this? If we're going to be friends that thing has to stop, man." He smirked at my use of more modern language, I was usually uptight when I talked to him.

"And as for this 'special connection' that you're feeling, well, I feel it too and you're right, only two friends can share that sort of connection," I took his hand in to my own and continued " so maybe coming in to your life wasn't a bad decision at all, maybe us bumping in to each other was much more than just a coincidence."

He looked me straight in the eye, in a rather soulful way, and spoke his next words in a playful yet serious demeanour. "Fate works in strange ways, but i'm glad it made me work my way to you."

I'm pretty sure I looked as red as a tomato, and had so many nerves gathering in me that I had to look away from Stephen's gaze.

My eyes landed on Cosmo staring at us from the end of the hall with a wide smile plastered on his face, when he saw me looking towards him he simply nodded his head at me and walked away.


Important Author's Note:

HI Guys! It feel like so long that I haven't updated for you that I felt something was missing. What did you think about that chapter? I know it was pretty uneventful but I promise there will be more action (and drama) in upcoming chapters.

If you enjoyed that chapter please don't forget to smash that vote button to show me your support!

No questions for this chapter, you lucky ducks... but this chapter is dedicated to Bryzzo1744 for mentally supporting me by telling me my book has been doing great business (even though I don't believe it) Go check out her profile and her books cuz she is an AMAZING person and writer!

Picture up at the top is of Cosmo Hayes (even though he didn't come up much), played by Josh Hutcherson

I wanted to let you guys know that I won't be updating for a while because I have my exams coming up very soon and so I need to focus on those, hope you guys understand!

Yours Truly, M

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