Chapter 11

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Upon arriving home I was so tired I didn't even bother to go up to my room, just crashed on my living room sofa. My little brother Logan and Connor were watching the football game when I entered.

"Hey Sha, how was your shopping trip?" Connor asked.

"Don't.Even.Ask," I answered letting out a groan of frustration. I held up both my empty hands to him and said "Didn't buy a thing."

"I thought that whole trip was for getting a dress for your formal."

"IT WAS," I answered, "but I didn't like a thing in the stores they brought me to." Connor moved back to watch his game but Logan just kept staring at me. I tilted my head up to see that he was thinking about something, and just as an idea popped in his head his eyes started to glint.

"Why don't you call Mom?" He said. "I'm sure she has a bunch of dresses in that big closet of hers." I thought about it, and it wasn't a bad idea. "Kiddo, for once you actually got a good idea." He smirked proudly and continued watching the game, while I went up to my room to call my mother.

"Hey mom," I said as she picked up.

"Hi, Sweetie! How are you?" She asked me. Let me explain one thing, I love my parents with all my heart. To me, they are the sweetest and most generous people on earth, while still being wise beyond their years. I don't care if I don't get to see them as much as I would like to because they make sure to never let us feel their absence.

"Mom, do you remember that ball I was telling you about?"

"The one where a boy basically blackmailed you to go to as his girlfriend just to impress his parents?" She asks matter-of-factly. I instantly cringe and nod my head.

"That's the one. Well, I'm having dress problems. I went all around the mall today with my friends but nothing appealed to me, so I was wondering if you had a dress in that humungous closet of yours that would look good on me."

"Hmmm," she said while assessing my face. "Can you get up and do a full body spin for me?" I get up and obey. She had the same thinking look as Logan did and then said, " I have a full sleeved peach coloured dress towards the end of my closet, in the Winter section."

"Got it, thanks Mom!" She just beamed a smile at me and said, "Your welcome sweetie, and be sure to have fun and tell me all about it when I get back!"

"Will do!" and with that, I ended the call.

I walked over to my parent's bedroom and immediately inhaled the scent of my father's cologne and my mother's perfume mixed together. It smelled just like when I hugged them and I SOOOO missed that.

"Now, time to find that dress." I go to my mother's humongous 2-floor closet and walked down the stairs to her winter section. I immediately saw the dress she was talking about and was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of it.

I didn't even give it a second glance while I picked it off the rod and brought it to my room. It was so beautiful that words couldn't describe and on top of that, it was SO me! I changed into the dress, being careful not to ruin it, and looked at myself in the mirror. It felt like I was in a dream.

"CONNOR! LOGAN! MARIA!" I shouted. "COME LOOK AT MY DRESS!!!" Connor and Maria both ran up the stairs while I could see Logan lugging behind, clearly disinterested. As they saw me their jaws dropped and eyes went wide. Suppressing a laugh I asked, "Do you like it?"

They shook out of their daze, and Connor was the first to speak up. "If you're going like that, then Stephen better take good care of you." Logan just gave me a thumbs up and both the boys ran back to their game. Maria stayed a moment longer, coming up to me and kissing me on the forehead

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