Chapter 5

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The morning after our conversation, I somehow ended up going to Kenzie's house early instead of her coming over to mine, like we have been doing for the past 7 years of our friendship. She seemed particularly surprised and annoyed because it was 6.30am and I was ready while she was still in her pj's and  had bedhead.

"Lisha, what are you doing here at 6.30 in the morning?" She managed to say in between her yawns. I think she was staring at me furiously or just out of plain tiredness but I was hesitating while thinking of what to say to her.

"I-ii-iii-ii- I dont know really," I caught her surprised face because I didn't usually stutter when I was with her, I never really found a reason to, but somehow this felt different.

"Alisha, what happened? what's wrong? You never stutter like that." I liked the calm, soothing tone in her voice, wanting it to calm me down but my emotions had a whole different idea.

"I honestly don't know what's going on Kenzie, I just feel so weird and fluttery on the inside every time he laughs, or when he calls me that name, an-an-and.....I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!"

I break out in to hysterical cries right there, outside of Mckenzie's house. Like the bestest, amazing, most wonderful friend she is, she quickly took me in to a hug and started to calm me down with her words. She was always there for me, sometimes in such a way I never even realised .

She then took me inside her house to her room. There I started to calm down a little on top of her bed, wiping away my tears while I was ashamed at my sudden outburst. I kept my head hung low, not wanting to meet her eyes, but she lifted my chin with her fingers.

"Lisha, look at me, please. There's no need to be ashamed of what happened. Now slowly and calmly explain to me what happened and maybe I can help you out of this, Okay?"

Instantly I poured out everything. Our conversation, my fluttery feelings, the offer, my answer. It all came pouring out of me like a river. She just sat there listening, didn't even interrupt me once.

After I finished out my story she just looked straight at me with a poker face, saying nothing at all. "Kenzie, please say something, your look is making me so nervous I can't bear it." She still kept my gaze for another second before shrieking loudly.


"Fake girlfriend Kenzie, and you're missing the point here. I came so you could comfort me and talk me out of it, not to explode my head fangirling about this situation. What do I do about that weird feeling too?"

She just gave me a devilish grin and said, "That feeling, my friend, is the start of something known as a CRUSH!!"

A crush???

"What are you talking about? I would never like a guy like him. He's inconsiderate and rude and nerve-wrecking and just somebody I would never ever go for. How can I have a crush on him, of all things, when I barely know him?"

"I don't know Lisha, That's for you to know and him to figure out. Just get to know the guy a little better and you might just end up liking him for real in the future. I know what i've just said might not make sense right now but believe me, when the time is right, all the puzzle pieces will fall together."

"Yeah, okay. I'm probably just sleep deprived. I couldn't get any sleep last night, was too stressed." I gave her my best smile and then just lay on her bed for a while, eventually drifting off to sleep.


"Lisha, wake up or we're going to be late." 

I let out a huge grunt but got out of the bed any ways. "How long was I asleep for?" Mckenzie gave me a slight, motherly smile before saying," 2 hours, I was thinking of waking you up a while ago but you just seemed so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb you."

"Why thanks so much, Kenzie. Now we're both going to be late. And will you look at that, I have old Sparky for first period. Just great."

I didn't want to get another lecture from Sparky, so without looking at myself in the mirror I ran out of Mckenzie's house and quickly jumped in to her car. She was right behind me the whole time.

As soon as we reached school the first person I was met with was Stephen himself. And he was walking straight towards me.

As usual, He was with his best friend Cosmo Hayes.  Stephen and Cosmo were the dynamic duo who had been best friends since the end of fifth grade, just like me and Kenzie. Cosmo was the more reasonable and nicer of the two, the more approachable type as well. Also unlike Stephen, he didn't sleep with girls for fun or was a bad boy.

"Babydoll, can we talk? In private?" He had a nervous tinge to his voice which sort of put me off. It was then I realised he also had a tiny vulnerability look in his eyes, but you could tell he was trying to cover it up as best as he could, and was succeeding most of the way.

"Yeah, sure. Kenzie, I'll meet you by my locker." She nodded and walked off with Cosmo, they strangely looked pretty comfortable together. Stephen and I walked to the end of the parking lot and in to his car.

"Babydoll, I'm so sorry but we have a big problem. Last night I told my parents that you were going to come with me and that you were my girlfriend. I had no idea that they told all of their friends and then their friends told their kids and eventually the news spread around school like wildfire. I've already had 7 girls come up to me asking me if it's true."

I could only stare at him with my mouth dropped on to the floor. I knew where this was going to go and I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

"So what do you think we should do know?" He only gave me a sad look. I knew what the answer was but I was hoping that I would be wrong.

"We have to actually pretend to be together for everyone to see."


Author's Note:

Hi guys! I actually have no words for that chapter...If you enjoyed that chapter please don't forget to smash that vote button to show me your support!

What did you guys think of Mckenzie? and what will become of Alisha and Stephen's fake relationship? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Picture up at the top is of Mckenzie Michaels, played by Jade Thirlwall

I have a few announcements for you guys today: 

1.) NYSM will now be a book written by me only. K and I have decided that this would be the best for both of us.

2.) I have gotten a couple of messages from my readers about 'We are Hidden,' another one of my books and I would just like to clear right now that I have put the book on hold because I have lost my motivation to write it. I also have some events going on in my personal life which relate too closely to the book and so if I were to continue writing the book at this point that would just be very painful for me. Thank you for understanding.

Yours truly, M.

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