Chapter 4

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"What?" I'm pretty sure I sounded shocked because I was.

"Yes Babydoll, I need you to come with me to a formal ball that my parents are holding. They expect me to have a decent acquaintance and nobody I knew from school fit the picture besides you, in fact, you're the only partially decent girl in our school so you seemed like a perfect fit for the deal."

"Uh, thank you?" In all honesty, I had no idea what to make of what Stephen just said to me, but I went along with it anyway. "So basically, you want me to go to a formal ball with you just so you can uphold the expectations of your parents?" I tried to clarify.

"That basically sums up what I just said!" He replied, with a high-pitched mocking tone. "And one more have to pretend to be my girlfriend." He sounded so casual while saying that, it almost shook me down.

"What?? No, no, no, no, no way, no a million times, and did I mention that I said no?" All he did in return was give me a small laugh, barely audible, but it was there, and for some reason it made butterflies erupt in my stomach for a fraction of a second.

"Well, why not? Other girls would kill to be in your position right now. Me, Stephen Murano, offering you to be my girlfriend, and yet you turn me down?"

"Well, maybe I'm not like most girls." was all I could say to him. "You definitely aren't," he whispered back to me. " Don't think so highly of yourself, Stephen, otherwise your big head might just pop." That earned me a low laugh out of him, making me feel weird and fluttery again. I have no idea what that feeling is, but I sort of like it, yet sort of don't.

"Come on Babydoll, remember that you still owe me for this morning. You caused me a lot of pain and trouble, which I might be prepared to return if you don't agree with this." Was he threatening me? " You should know that I have high connections. and they can make even the biggest incidents look like a simple accident. What do you say now?"

"If you think that threatening me will make me go with you, then you are highly mistaken. What man would threaten a lady? one with no morality, that's who." I was fuming at this point, how dare he threaten me over something so stupid just so that he would look good to his parents?

"Oh god Babydoll, there's no need to question my character. It was all a joke for god's sake, don't take it all so personally. Maybe this is why you can't get asked out by a guy." 


"You should really reconsider what you just," I whispered, trying to sound as ferocious and dangerous as possible. Hopefully it worked because he shut up for a while. All good things must come to an end, though.

"Well, I guess I should be more careful of what I say next time. I'm sorry Alisha." He cleared his throat while all I could think about was that he apologised to me. Maybe I was wrong about Stephen being an obnoxious brat all the time, maybe he has a soft side hidden somewhere within him.

After a moment of thinking and considering my options, I realised I should just go with my gut feeling. "Stephen, I'll do it. I'll go to the ball with you and pretend to be your girlfriend. I do have boundaries though, so just find them and maybe we could work this out."

"Alisha, Thank you so much, you truly are a life saver for me." I liked this kind, boyish side of him. He should let his guard down more, show his true side.

'You're welcome, when is it?" I should at least get a week to choose my dress and everything, with help from Mckenzie, of course. "It's next month, so you have plenty of time to choose your outfit and whatever else girly stuff you need." I swear, it's like he read my mind.

" Thanks so much again. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't bumped in to me this morning. I would've honestly never seen you at school, I actually never have so the whole bumping and slapping thing was a huge help, even though it was mostly uncalled for." Well there goes his speech filter.

"Sure thing, I have to study now for a test so I'll talk to you some other time, probably text. Bye." 

"Bye for now, Babydoll," and with that he hung up. As I later recalled our entire conversation, only one thing popped up in my mind.

What have I gotten myself in to?


Author's Note:

Hi guys! I know this chapter is a little short compared to my older ones but I wanted to make it just of Stephen's and Alisha's conversation, so you can get an insight on Stephen. If you enjoyed that chapter please don't forget to smash that vote button!

What did you guys think of Stephen's attitude? and Alisha's decision?

Let me know in the comments!

Picture up at the top is of Stephen Murano, played by Alex Pettyfer

Yours truly, M.

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