"Dear Phil..." Chapter 2

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Phil's POV
"Crap!" I start to wake up and I hear Dan talking to himself, which I am pretty used to by now.

But I just ignore it and go to sleep, since it was like 4am by now.

~The next morning~

Dan's POV
I wake up and get ready and I leave my hair because I'm starting to like my Hobbit hair. I get dressed into black skinny jeans and a Pastel Pink shirt.

I walk outside and go to the kitchen to see Phil is eating my cereal, (AGAIN!)

"Really Phil? That's the third time this week, can you eat your own?" I smirk.

"But Danny, I can't help it!!"

"Well then try to help it!!"

Suddenly I get a text from Louise, she wants to collab with me and Phil.

Louise: Hey Dan! Sorry I haven't talked in a while, I've been pretty busy but I was wondering if me you and Phil could collab?

I show the text to Phil, and he quickly nods.

I quickly reply back;

Dan: Sure! When are you available to come around? Is tomorrow ok? Friday?

Louise: Yes sure! What time?

Dan: Can you come at 9am?

Louise: yep :)) see you then,Dan.

I turn off my phone and tell Phil all the details,until I remembered me and Phil were going to do a Live show tonight since I missed last Tuesday as I was sick.


"What's up,Dan?"

"Am I still joining your liveshow tonight? Since I missed Tuesday?"

"Yes Dan."

After talking to Phil for a few minutes, I go back into my room and log onto Twitter.

I suddenly freeze,because I have no idea what to put, so I write;

Hey Guys! Just a quick reminder, I'm going to be joining Phil's Liveshow tonight at 8:00 pm u.k. time!

I post my tweet and start to look at the comments and I answer a few, then I knock on Phil's door.

Phil's POV
As I retweeted Dan's tweet, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

Dan walks in, with a grin on his face.

"What are you smiling at, Danny boy?" I chuckle to myself.

"O-oh it's nothing.." Dan's face goes red.. wow, it's so cute.

"What's wrong then?"

"Can I chill out with you for a bit?"


Dan sits down right next to me, and by right I mean RIGHT next to me, man this boy really doesn't care about personal space! I start to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Dan asked looking confused.

"How close to me you are right now,it's kind of funny,but I really don't know why.."

"Phil..Would you ever leave me,like..Forever?"

I look straight into Dan's eyes, he looks really hurt, and I so badly want to comfort him..

"Why would you think that? I'd never leave you,Dan. Your my best friend."

"I've been having nightmares about it, and I can't control them, however last night I didn't have one, but I can't really explain it since it's really confusing"

I hug Dan.

"Phil? W-what?"

"Dan. No matter what happens,I'll be here. Your the bestest person that could ever happen to me,don't forget that.

I kind of blushed after this,but luckily Dan didn't notice. Or so that's what I thought.

Dan's POV
I couldn't help but smile, you see.. this is why I love this man. I'm so lucky to have him, and so I hug him back and I just wouldn't let go.

~later on in the evening~
Me and Phil had just filmed another 'The Impossible Quiz' Video and we finally finished the game, which I'm glad about since the game was such a pain to play.

It's about 7:55pm at this point, so I quickly have a snack whilst Phil sets up his Liveshow.



I as quick as I can grab some ribena for me and Phil and put them in glasses and then I walk as quick as I can in the lounge and sit next to Phil.

Phil's POV
Dan walks in with two glasses of ribena and I take one, I then go live as Dan is covering his face with a cushion,which is what we always do when we do a Liveshow together.

"Hey guys! Welcome to the Liveshow! I am here today with a special guest..My new boyfriend! Called Bob, of course."

As soon as I say this, everyone in the chat starts commenting things like;

Really Phil? We know it's Dan underneath there.


Wait, you have a boyfriend?

Do you and Dan date now!?

I start to chuckle as all the comments start to ask whether me and Dan are dating..

But I don't think that'll ever happen,I mean I do like Dan, I kind of Love him too, but.. Dan doesn't like me like that.. I don't think he does.

"Jeff, reveal yourself!"

"HOI!" Dan reveals himself with the most cutest/creepiest face ever. I laugh for a little while as he looks at me like I have just made a stupid pun.

"So guys, what should we talk about..?"

One comment says;
Vidcon is coming up! Are you guys coming?

"Yes! We're coming to Vidcon this year, so don't worry, we are going to vlog more for this year's Vidcon too!"

Dan's POV
As Phil answers a few questions, the world just starts to blur and I couldn't help but only focus on Phil, and I don't care if anyone can see me right now, he's amazing.



"Someone wants to know if your making a new video on your channel soon?"

"Ah, yes. It's going to be about Love."

Phil goes silent, crap..Did I say something wrong?

"I think that's a great idea,Dan."


After a full hour, Phil ended the Livestream and looks over to me, looking a bit worried.

"Danny, are you ok?" Phil gives me the most heart-warming smile on this planet. My heart melts.

"Yes Phil. I'm going to go sleep now, see you tomorrow" I wink at him and his face goes red.

I laugh to myself for the next 10 minutes and I slowly fall to sleep, dreaming about how much I love my best friend, Philip Michael Lester.
Hey guys! Thank you for reading my Phanfic, it means alot! I am going to be writing Chapter 3 tonight, so look forward to that :) by the way, there's 12 chapters in 1 season (that's how this phanfic is going to work) anyways, Have a good day my frens! X)

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