"Dear Phil..." Chapter 4

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Dan's POV
I wake up on Saturday morning, and I get ready.

During this time, I couldn't help but think about 'Last night'

Yep, me and Phil had kissed.

I was too shy, I was shaking. I didn't know what to say after that, and I couldn't help but smile to myself all day, with a little bit of pain in my heart, as I question mine and Phil's relationship.

Today I have to film a video about Love, which is very important to me, I'm not going to make it really obvious to everyone who watches my videos, as it could blow up, I'm not ready for that to happen..

I walk into the kitchen, looking for a snack, and I bump into Phil.

"Morning, Phil."


"So, about last night.."


"U-um nevermind, I've got to go film a video,talk to you..Uh..Soon?"

"Ok Dan.."

Geez that was awkward, so awkward it made me cringe.

I set up my camera and start to film.

"Hello Internet! Dan here. So today I'm going to talk about Love. You see, Love can be painful, and love can be amazing. But you just don't know when it hits you. I've experienced Love, and I still am, I mean, um.."

I'm going to have to edit that out.

~Later on, in filming the video~

"So don't forget, no matter who it is that you love..Don't give up on them, even if you think they'll hate you or don't even like you back, they will understand, or so that's what many of you think.."

I finish the video and go straight to editing it, as soon as I finish editing it I start to upload it and I watch the percentage of the video being uploaded..





At this point, I start to panick. No, I need to calm down, people won't think I'm talking about Phil, will they?

I then go to Twitter and tweet the link to the video, and I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"Phil..If this is what love is, why is it killing me?" I whisper to myself.

Phil's POV
I had just finished watching some cat videos on YouTube when I suddenly get a notification saying;

Danisnotonfire has uploaded a new video: Love.

Is this about me? What if it is.. I better watch it.

I open a new tab and search Dan's channel on YouTube, and I watch it.

"So don't forget, no matter who it is that you love..Don't give up on them, even if you think they'll hate you or don't even like you back."

These words from Dan are really rare, and I've never heard him say anything like it before, I'm too shy to talk to him now.. What will happen to.. 'Us'..?

I'm in love with Dan, his cute Hobbit hair, his cute dimply smile, the way he looks at me, and his voice. Dan, I need you..

I start to cry.. I can't help myself, why am i like this??

Your POV
I had just finished watching Dan's new video, it's so cute! I think Dan and Phil are so cute together, but I don't know if they are actually romantically involved with each other.

I grab my copy of DAPGO, and I head into the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

I grab my phone and I smile at the photo I had of me and Phil, he's so nice. I was so lucky to meet him.

I text my friend the photo as I had forgotten to the other day.

My friend texts me back;


Y/N: calm down F/N, it's just a picture lol.


Y/N: Anyway M8 going to see big Ben ttyl xoxo

F/N: take me with u or else M8

Y/N I wish I could but your so far away!! Anyway ttyl!

I grab my backpack and put on my favourite shoes, I then grab my camera and put my phone in my pocket, put my copy of DAPGO in my backpack and I then head on over to big Ben, as I take pictures of the beautiful scenery.

Dan's POV
I got so bored with myself so I decided to actually go outside.

"Um, excuse me, Dan? Is that you.."

I turn around.

"Oh hi! Yep it's me, Dan."

"Hey Dan, my name is Y/N. I actually met Phil the other day, he was so sweet.. are you ok?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking. Nice name by the way Y/N. I like it, it's cute."

"That's what Phil said too!" They chuckle.

"He's a sweetheart."

"Dan, I know you don't know me at all, but I can tell you like Phil. Sorry I just had to say something.. you two really do have some great chemistry."

"Oh thanks um.."

"Sorry for rambling.. anyway, could you sign my copy of DAPGO and is it ok if I could have a picture??"

"Sure!" I smile.

Me and Y/N then parted ways and I walk home, since I'm very tired. I can't stand London's air, it's too cold and frosty.

I walk inside mine and Phil's apartment.

I then walk into the lounge and I find Phil scrolling through Tumblr.


"Oh, h-hi Dan."

"How are you then.."

"I'm fine, just got bored, you see.. what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just met someone who likes our videos and had met you the other day, they're nice."

"Oh, you mean Y/N??"


"Cool..I'm going to go to bed now."


Phil then closes the door behind him, leaving me sat on the floor, alone.

Does Phil not want to talk to me anymore? I start to sob it myself, I don't want our relationship to be like this.

I then go back into my room and log onto Twitter.

I tweet;

Can at least one person explain to me how to get through actual pain? I miss talking to them normally..It's not the same.

I don't care if the world see's my tweet, I don't care if Phil sees it either.. I just want to be back to normal again.. at least.

I put my laptop aside, and slowly fall asleep as I dream about how badly I want to be my best friend, Philip Michael Lester's boyfriend.

Ayyy yes ma Bois we be at Chapter 4 and tbh with ya I'm getting excited over my own phanfic.. why, may you ask? BeCaUsE iT mAkEs YoU cRaFt, well doesn't every phanfic make you craft? Ok I'll leave lol. Thanks for reading!! <<333

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