"Dear Phil..." Season 2 Chapter 6

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It was December 23rd, Dan was excited. He had prepared everything and try to relax at the thought that he was going to propose to his one and only Boyfriend, Phil.

He was literally shaking as he climbed the stairs of the Plane, Phil following him from behind with a smile planted upon his face.

Phil's POV
Today is the day. WE'RE GOING TO TOKYO!! (Japan) I can't wait! We might meet mimei and Duncan again!
I can't stop jumping up and down at the thought of going back to Japan again and I can't see everyone staring at me and Dan as Dan tries to calm me down, but why wouldn't I be excited? As I sit down with an excited expression Dan gives me a warm smile and grabs my hand.

My heart melts at how cute he looks..

I lean my head into his chest and we wait for the plane to start to move.

"I'm so excited for this Dan!"
"Me too, you have no idea." Dan squeezes my hand.
"I think I do" I giggle.
Dan rolls his eyes and let's out a big smile after as I try not to squeal when the plane gets faster and starts to lift up into the air.

We're going to Japan!!
I scream into my brain.

After we were lifted into the air, we got drinks and some food, and we took some photos to post later for our viewers and to let them know we're going to Japan!

Maybe we'll meet a few viewers there? Who knows?

I then fall asleep, resting my legs upon dans lap to get comfortable.

Dan's POV
I can hear my heart beating every second, it was very quiet with Phil asleep. He is such a precious little bean.

I peck a little kiss on my dadd- I mean my boyfriends face.

And I can see a little smile form on his face but he continues to be asleep.

-hours later-
I look outside the frosty window, and I can see that we are starting to get closer to Tokyo, it's so pretty at night.

I wake Philly up, and we cuddle for a little bit whilst the plane goes down, and down, and down.

We nearly fell asleep in each other's arms but the wheels hitting the ground had made us jump.

"Dan!! Dan dan dan!!"
"Whaaaat" I groan.
"We're in Tokyo!"
Gosh this boy is like an excited 3 year old on Christmas Day, I love him so much.
-after getting through the airport-
We asked for a taxi, and we set off to get to our hotel. It was nighttime by now, so we just wanted to rest.
As the car went past all the tall, elegant buildings, I had my mind stuck on what would happen tomorrow.

I will propose.

I hope he says yes, I don't know what will happen.

We arrived at the hotel and I grab Phil's hand which caught a few peoples eyes looking at us but we didn't care.

We checked into the hotel and went into the elevator, and got into our hotel room and we both jumped into our bed and collapsed.

"Today has been tiring" Phil says.
"Your energy has tired me out,Philly."
"Alright alright, let's go to sleep."

And we fell asleep, in each others arms, with me thinking about what will happen..


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here you go! It's not long but it's something. I'll update next when I can and if you want follow me on insta: colourful_lestell and DM me to find out when the next update is! Love ya~


"Dear Phil..." Phanfic Where stories live. Discover now