"Dear Phil..." Season 2 Chapter 2

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Dan and Phil had been chilling out for a little while, they we occasionally giving each other little small kisses and tried not to do anything else..Or did they?

Dan's POV
It was still April 30th, I was kind of getting tired at this point but I never mentioned it in any conversation. I didn't want to spoil anything since me and Phil were having an amazing time.

I stare at Phil's eyes for a little while, they're a pretty shade of blue. Although I may have said this far too many times, why wouldn't I? They're hard to miss! It's like you could get lost in them for sure.

I place my hand on Phil's leg. I pat his leg but I can't really control what I'm doing because I feel like I'm daydreaming at the same time, thinking about what the purpose of life is.. yep..You got it! Another existential crisis. Crap..

Phil looks worried as I'm trying to focus on my thoughts. I mutter under my breath "why are we here?" But I guess it wasn't as quiet as if hoped it would be..

"Danny, don't start again. I want to have a chilled out evening before tomorrow." Phil places a reassuring hand on my forearm.

"Sorry, Phil. I'm going crazy at the moment.. I can't help it."

"It's ok" Phil smiles. He then leans in closer and gives me a slight wink.

What is he trying to do?

Phil then puts his hands on my shoulders and places a kiss upon my cheek, which leaves a lovingly tingly feeling afterwards.

"Don't tease me!" I frown.

Phil giggles. "Don't be silly, Daniel."

"Ok then shall we settle this with a fight?" I smirk.

"Ok then! I'll win!!" Phil shouts with confidence. He's so darn cute..

Phil's POV
Me and Dan play fight for a little bit, until we finally get tired out. I collapse into Dan's lap and I moan in exhaustion. "Today's been busy."

"Really? We haven't even been outside!" Dan laughs sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, Daniel. What I'm trying to say is I've never been so used to having your company. You would always hide away in your bedroom and never even bother to talk to me most of the time..I got too worried.."

"Sorry Phil. Ever since 2012 happened, I had to hide away my feelings.. I didn't know what to do.. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Dan..I love you to the moon and back!" I sit in Dan's lap and he hugs me from behind. I love Dan's company, he makes me feel fuzzy inside. Like I have butterflies in my stomach, if that makes sense...

I then feel Dan's lips touch my neck a few times, behind my ear too, Dan knows I can get ticklish, so he better be careful.

"Ha-ha stop!! I'll cry of laughter, bear!!"

"Make me, babe!" Dan winks.

I tackle Dan and I fall into his arms..


He's like a cushion, a pillow..A duvet, a fresh new white sheet of covers.. he's so comfy.

He places his hands around my waist, and pulls me in closer. I'm looking at Dan in the face now. We're really close. His chocolate-brown eyes meet with mine, and I can tell he is tired.

I put my hand around his soft cheek, and we kiss for a long period of time.
It was one of those long kisses that you'd enjoy. Then we stop to look back in each others eyes once more.

"Phil.." Dan slowly places his hand around my thigh, I nearly shriek. It scared me a little but I was fine with it.

"Y-yes?" I see a smirk creep upon Dan's face as I say this.

"Aww is Philly blushing?" He giggles.

"D-dont.." my heart is beating x50 faster then any normal humans would.

"Aw but Philly..." Dan says sarcastically.

"N-no teasing.." I blush.
My face is really crimson red.

I look like a tomato!

I move Dan's hand away a little. I know Dan was joking anyway, he just likes to mess with me sometimes.

"Hey Phil, I'm sleepy...When can we go to bed?"

"Anytime you want,gorgeous."

Dan smiles and sticks his tongue out, he loves cheesy nicknames I give him, even if they're cheesy as heck.

Dan then gets up and grabs my hand, making me follow him.

We walk into his bedroom this time, since there's two bedrooms in the house I guess you could say we like to change them around everyday, it's alot easier anyway.

I look around Dan's room while he gets ready to go to bed.

It's a cool room. But it's really dark, although Dan has been buying alot more colourful stuff recently, I guess you could still call it a dark room.

Dan finishes and then I get ready, thinking about tomorrow and what it has in store for me and Dan. All the adventures we'll have in the future, too.

I finish and get out of the bathroom, and jump into bed and cuddle up to Dan.

I slowly slip away into a deep sleep and start to dream.

I dream about the future, which me and Dan are getting ready for something.. it seems important..But I can't tell what it is just yet.

Then me and Dan arrive somewhere, he gets on one knee..


I wake up shocked and I look beside me, Dan is asleep and I play with his curly hair until I can finally find myself to go back to sleep.

Did the dream mean something?

What could it be?

Is it what I think..



Yay chapter 2 and I'm really tired but I did it anyway for you guys 😂 I hope you enjoyed it because it took me an hour to actually write omg but yay! Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow so please be patient my friends. More coming your way! Thanks for reading :) have a great day! <3

&quot;Dear Phil...&quot; Phanfic Where stories live. Discover now