"Dear Phil..." Season 2 Chapter 8

810 44 74

Dan's POV
No one answers. They walk by, not caring one bit.
I cry, and cry, why?
I shake phil.


I sob over Phil, and that's when my vision goes black.
-in real life-
I am in the hotel bed?

Phil is comforting me, worry in his eyes.
"Bad dream babe?"

My eyes are full of tears.

Phil looks shocked, and tells me it's ok and cuddles with me until I calm down.

And that's when I remembered, I needed to propose to Phil today.

It's 10am, so I wanted to propose at 12pm.

"Hey, can we go for a walk? I want to get some fresh air from everything that's happened."
"Sure let me get ready in the shower first" Phil winks.
"You cheeky little shi-"
"Shhhh." Phil giggles.
"But I wanted to go in first!"

We both stare at eachother.

"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?" I ask with a smirk.
"Yes! Let's go" Phil grabs my hand and drags me.

We then got ready and headed outside, it wasn't too busy today, just how I like it.

Phil had been acting odd all morning, I wonder what's wrong.

We then stop and stand somewhere, and I feel like I'm going to die.

Come on Dan, you can do it. Just gather your courage, and propose.

"Yes?" Phil smiles with his eyes.

I sigh and get down on one knee, Phil's expression widens and he gasps.

"Will you marry me?"

"YES!!!!!" Phil jumps up and down and cries and hugs me, he's so god damn cute.

The crowd around us cheers and even a few people recognised us, we were so happy.

I'm so happy.

After that we went shopping so I could get a matching ring like Phil's so we could match. I put mine on and I hold Phil's hand as we both glance to our hands and smile. This is everything.

"Without you, I'm lost" I smile.
"Without you, I'm not me" Phil smiles.

I rest my head on Phil's shoulder as we look at the sun go down.

Wow. Today went fast, I guess it does when you're having fun.

We then head back to the hotel shoulder to shoulder and we even get a few smiles from passers-by.

We're going to get married.

In 2022.

We then head back to sleep,hands intertwined, smiling at eachother until we drift off to sleep.
Ayyy sorry I didn't update like I said I would early I completely forgot 😂👌🏻 I'm an awful author anyway I hope you enjoyed this one I'll update tomorrow for definite and I want to add some more drama into the story. Thanks for reading! ;)

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