"Dear Phil..." Season 3 Chapter 4

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Phil's POV
I was sat in the lounge, browsing the Internet and reading comments on the latest gaming video. When I heard footsteps and giggles coming towards the door, I've had enough.

I didn't care though, I gave up showing my feelings towards dan. Maybe it's just me, or Dan's just wanting to talk to more people and not just me. But I couldn't help but notice how he was affectionate to that new youtuber he met recently, her name was indeed, Cat.

I have been starting to go out more often, I met Y/N again and we have been talking a lot. I've recently told them about mine and Dan's situation. The only advice she gave me was to talk to Dan when the time is right. Or just, break up.
But I'm too scared.

Dan came in the lounge, Cat beside him with a disgustingly creepy smile.

"Hey Phil..could you maybe leave for a bit? Just wanted to have some free space with Cat."

"Whatever Dan..Bye" I stormed out with a frown on my face.

How could Dan hurt me like that!? I'm so annoyed and confused it just doesn't make sense.

Dan's POV
5 more weeks until I have to leave. It's breaking my heart to see Phil like that. But my parents don't want me to like Phil...

Cat is my sister, but I didn't tell Phil because he might remember what happened in the past with him and her. But I don't know if he remembers.

"Dan.. I don't know what to do to help you with our parents and your situation. I completely support you both but I don't know what to do. I mean they don't even control you anymore but, they said they would never talk to you again, and that's bad.."

I start to break down.. I don't want to leave Phil.. I really don't.

Phil's POV
Me and Y/N are best friends now. We text literally everyday and even meet sometimes, even though they were really shy and wouldn't stop screaming at first, I think they've gotten used to me by now.

I think I'm starting to have a crush on them..

Because Dan doesn't love me anymore.

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