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They were all hanging by the poolside near the bar, enjoying the view and weather. It was night time, the air was a bit cold and we were surrounded by nothing but water. Lauren and I shared a pool chair. Normani and Dinah shared one too and ally got a stool for herself and sat between the pool chairs.

"So, we were at this party, right? I was wearing this cute jeans Marco gave- well it was cute 'cause I'm cute, anyways, this boy came up to me and said 'Aye girl what that ass do?' And I for real, no lie, ripped the biggest, nastiest and loudest fart and said 'that's what it do' walked away! No shame Y/N!" Dinah laugh uncontrollably. Oh man, I don't know if I should laughed or be grossed out. Normani just rolled her ryes at her girlfriend's antics.

I laughed and made a face. "Holy shit, you're nasty!" The others joined laughing at the story. "Man, you guys are fun. But my favorite has to be when Normani injured her hips from twerking too much." I took a huge sip of my beer. Earlier, Normani was trying to teach me how to twerk but it ended up with her putting up a show for all of us. Dinah even turned on some songs for her.

"I thought drunk me was your favorite." Lauren butt in. Lauren had already drank a couple of beers that night. She's definitely the one who had the most beers too. Ally shook her head, calling Lauren a sinful child when she's drunk. I smirked, taking a sip of my beer.

"That's one of my guilty pleasures. Another one is when Ally dances to Big Bad Wolf. Never wanted to be a chair so bad." I jokingly crossed myself and prayed. Ally smacked my shoulder hard before laughing brightly like the ball of sunshine she is. Damn, this fuzz ball can really pack a punch.

"Idiot! I'll never sin in front of you. Guys, It's getting late. We should go to sleep because we have some things to do tomorrow. Right girls?" Ally asked. Normani and Dinah nodded. Ally being the only one who didn't drink, felt the cold hitting her harshly. She was hugging herself to keep warm.

Lauren pouted and hugged me tightly. "But Ally, I wanna stay with Y/N." Lauren made her voice small and like a kid. She buried her head in the crook of my neck. "Someone is a lil' tipsy I see." I wrapped an arm around her. Lauren's skin felt warm under my touch. She was glowing. Her nose all red with her dopey smile. I couldn't help but find her cute.

"I am not tipsy. I'm just loose. Like jelly! Look at my jelly arms!" She exclaimed. She removed she arms from the embrace and wiggle them to prove a point. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Can I have another beer?" Lauren asked, making her infamous puppy eyes and both of her hands below her chin as paws.

"No." Normani sassed.

"Who's rooming with Lauren?" I asked. Lauren was playing with my hair, getting it tangled.

Ally raised her hand, "I am. Norminah are roomies. You do not wanna be near their rooms at night. The walls ain't thick Dinah." Ally shook her head in disapproval. Dinah and Normani blushed. Sneaky lesbians.

"I'll help you with Lauren, Smallz." As we walked back to the girls room, lauren kept singing loudly and walked side to side so I had to hold her to make sure she doesn't fall or hit something in order to injure herself.

"Have I ever told you that you're hot? Like super hot?" Lauren asked. Giggling while she poked my cheek. I shook my head no. Ally said we were near their room and I gave her an okay sign. "I have the biggest crush on you, but don't tell me I said that." She admitted. "You're the best thing that happened after her."

Confused, I kept my mouth shut. We were at the front of Lauren's room, Ally already headed in to take a warm shower. I helped Lauren to her bed and rest her on it. Taking her shoes off, I place the covers over her. Although sleepy, she eyes manage to open through her drowsy state. Eyes glassy, rosy cheeks. I ran my fingers through her raven locks before planting a peck on her forehead.

"We'll meet tomorrow, Green Eyes. Until then, sleep tight for me." I bid goodbye to Lauren who was already asleep. Ally exited the bathroom wearing a robe and a towel on her head. I waved goodbye and exited the room.

The walk back to my was quiet. Mostly because of the fact that everyone was asleep. Walking by the poolside, the pool luminated with blue lights. The water would be still if it wasn't for the lady in a black bikini swimming in it. I took a better look, finally recognizing the lady.

"What are you doing swimming this late, Camila?" If she was here earlier, things would be different. I'd be willing to bet something bad would've happened. Camila quickly turned in surprise. "Y/N." She swam to me immediately. I sat down on the same chair I did with Lauren.

Camila leaned against the pool, resting her arms on top and placing her head above it. Sweetly smiling before answering. "I just finished working out. I was so sore that I had to jump in the pool." She explained.

Not wanting to miss out and kind of in a sore state, I began to shrug off my clothes. My actions made Camila go wide eyed, gaping and blushing. Always back to the naive and innocent girl I know. "Wh- what are you doing?" Camila whispered softly. I was left with only my white set off undergarments. Instead if answering, I walked to her direction, making her back away shyly. Soon enough I joined her in the pool.

I walked closer, only resulting her to step back until her back meets the wall of the pool. "I'm joining you in the swimming pool. What else could I be doing after stripping down, Cabello?" I said innocently. Camila slid down, only her head above water. I took the opportunity to put both of my hands besides her head, trapping her in my imbrace.

"I-I- You- Uh-" Camila stammered out of nervousness. Never in her life has Y/N intimadate a girl to this point. I leaned forward and down, quickly shutting Camila up.

I managed to whisper into her left ear, "Relax, I don't bite. Unless you want me too." 

I leaned back and laughed. Camila turned bright red before squinting her eyes. "Oh it's on Y/N! Square up girl." Making fists and bringing them closes to her face, as if she was a UFC fighter.

"Mila, don't even try. You're a weak." I said, not bothered with her changing stances in the pool.

Camila tried to provoke me by punching me on the shoulder but I grabbed both of her wrist and and pinned her on the pool's wall.

"I could literally drown you now," I smirked. The brunette didn't even try to escape from the hold, in fact she just giggled and smiled, as if she doesn't think I could do it if I wanted to. "You dont believe or something?" I challenged.

"you wouldn't. As long as you're holding me down, I'm sure I'll be safe Y/N."


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