
533 27 12

u guys are so sweet come over here and let me love you (in a not creepy way obvi 🌚)

not edited.


"You said you wanted a burger." Lara began munching on some of her fries before taking a small bite of her burger.

I ignored her as I cut a piece of the lasagne and taste it. I hummed in delight, so good yet so bad. My trainer is going to be pissed went we get back home, I'm telling you. I took another bite and over exaggerated my hums and smile. Lara rolled her eyes before flicking a small fry towards me.

"So I'm wondering when are you free?" I asked as I looked into Lara's stellar blue eyes. The blondie gestured me to go on. "Because I'm so willing to clear my super duper busy schedule for a night out in the club." Lara smirked as her wiped her greasy fingers with a napkin.

"Now, now. Am I hearing correctly or you are finally listening to what I've been saying since the smoothie date?" Lara even cupped her ears and leaned forward as she waited for me to comeback with an answer. I scoffed and crossed my arms. Unbelievable, she is literally a child.

Unfortunately, the smile I've been fighting off finally found its place on my lips before my chuckled and increased my arms. I brought a hand up to her forehead, pushing it backwards lightly. "Okay, dummy. Back it up." I said, Lara smiled as she sipped on her coke.

She leaned back on her chair with a smug look. "Not sure if I wanna."

I ignored her again and continued eating as if she was not here. My lasagne was halfway through when she spoke up again. "Did you not hear me? I said I don't wanna go." Lara's smug look dropped and I had to control myself from laughing at her.

I acted as if I was surprised she was here. "Oh, do I know you?" I asked with a confused expression, continuing my munches on my food. My phone ding and I immediately picked it up, checking what it could be.

[15:24]Doo doo lips: guess whos getting on ur cruise at the next stop?

[15:24]Doo doo lips: ME

[15:25]Y/N rules: can i get a HELL YES?

[15:26] Doo doo lips: no bc im hotter than hell ;)

[15:27] Y/N rules: suuure mate

Before I could reply, my phone was snatched out of my hold. Looking up I saw Lara holding it. "Bitch, did you really act like you don't know me and have the audicity to text, whoever this Doo Doo Lips is?" Lara snapped, eyebrows furrowed as I noticed her grip on my phone got stronger.

I huffed out a breath. "Woah, hakuna your tatas first. You didn't wanna go so consider yourself unfriended." I poked out my tongue while I crossed my eyes. "Secondly, that's my best friend you're talking about there and her name is Dua Lipa." I quickly grabbed my phone back after explaining.

"Whatever, I was joking by the way. We're going to the club." Lara said. "Dua literally means two in some languages and lipa is lip in Spanish. So she's basically named two lips, as in tulips?" Lara kind of thought out loud. (a/n: its a quarter after 3 in the morning, dont ask.)

I stared at Lara in bewilderment. "Okay what ever you are on, pass some over to me next time."


ole. very short I'm sorry.

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