eight ii

715 35 23

an update? si. even more references? si.


It didn't take long for me to respond back in the kiss. Her hands were situated behind my neck, her fingers gripping and tugging my hair at the base. My knees slightly bent as she placed a leg in between mine. My hands were resting on her waist.

I broke the kiss and started kissing down her neck, leaving wet small kisses and soft bites from her cheek to her collarbone. I latched my mouth on her collarbone and gently suck on it, earning a low grunt from her and a harsh tug.

"Lauren?" I breathed out. She moaned softly in response, as she lowered herself onto my thigh. Her hands moved to my stomach and lightly traced it. I kissed her cheek before stopping and she whine. "What are we doing?"

Lauren sat up and switched on a lamp on her desk. "Wouldn't it be better if I showed you?" She smirked. She bit her lip before moving a hand fully on my other thigh moving up and down as the other slipped under my shirt, lightly clawing my skin.



This so not what Bieber meant about when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no.

I sat up and that was a bad move. My thigh pressed against Lauren hard and resulted a cry of pleasure as she shut her eyes. The sound made my toes tingle and a bright hue of pink rose to my whole cheeks. I cleared my throat. "I came here to talk, to let you explain."

"We have an hour before Ally comes back, are we seriously going to waste this time by talking about a mistake I made over a couple of years ago?" Lauren complained. She removed herself from me and dragged the desk's chair infront the bed and sat on it reversed.

I chuckled softly. "Obviously Jauregui, I'm not letting you off this case easily just because you tried to sex it off my thoughts." I joked. Lauren couldn't help but laugh when I used the term 'sex it off'. I mean, who says that anyway?

"Well, fine. What did Cabello tell you?" Lauren started off. "Because I know how good she is at making shit up."

I furrowed my eyebrows at Lauren's words. "What do you mean by that?" I questioned. Lauren only scoffed and looked away before urging me to tell what Camila said.

"Basically you cheated multiple times with that Louisa girl and she caught you also multiple times." I said briefly.

"Oh my god, you mean Lucy?" Lauren laughed hard at the fact I got the girl's name wrong. I blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up, who are you trying to kid? I didn't know her before this whole drama went down." Earning a slap on my shoulder because Lauren felt very offended and I offended her friend. (a/n: boi the refs)

"Number one, tell me who she thinks she is? she has some nerves saying I cheated multiple times. It was intentional once.. only to get back at her for being with Austin." She defended herself. (a/n: on a roll)

Oh. Austin Mahone. "But wait, wasn't that a PR stunt though? That shouldn't count as cheating, Jauregui." I put in my two cents.

"It started off as one. They dated for 3 months while we were a thing. She was supposed to date him for a month! Then I heard she had sex with him, I just lost it. She even admitted it was true." Lauren exposed. "It fucking hurt and Lucy was around that time. We got fucked up and she confessed that she had feelings for me that time."

She groans before continuing, "Something must have gone wrong in my brain because I used her to cheat on Camz, once, but Luce kept getting me drunk and sad to get me hook up with her. I'd get so fucked up to that point I don't even remember I had sex with her." She shudders as she finished the last sentence. Her eyes were glassy from sorrow and guilt.

"But Lauren... that doesn't justify what you did. It could've been settled maturely. You're both at fault with this." I voiced out. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." I couldn't help the ache that form from the sight of the green eyed girl shedding a tear. "Fuck, come here baby."

I pulled Lauren in a comforting hug. We rocked back and forth gently, she sat on my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist and her fingers intertwined behind me. Slowly but surely, the sobs and the sniffles stop.

"Thanks, for listening, Y/N. I have to tell you something." Lauren said after she put some space between us. I nodded for her to go on. "I know how weird it'd be to say this after crying over an ex but I like-"

"I, GOT, PIZZA! You wouldn't believe how goo- oh my gosh! Am I interrupting something?" The door opened and revealed Ally holding a big box of, I'm guessing, pizza.

"Actually, you came way later to interrupt anything good." I said. Lauren managed to laugh. "I think I can say for the both of us, pizza would have been the second thing to come while I'm here."

"Oh my god! Shut your nasty mouth L/N." Lauren untangled herself to hug Ally. "Whatever she just said, don't think about."

"Okay... Y'all are so weird. Sometimes though." Ally raised her hands in surrender at the latter. "The pizza's Aloha Chicken by the way."

"Ugh, gross. Pineapple on a pizza, who does that?" I groaned. I got up and tied my hair. "Have fun with your little pizza party girls. I should head back to get some rest."

Lauren stopped taking a bite of the pizza, "You're leaving already?" She asked. She pouted as I walked over towards her and give her a hug goodbye. "Yup. As what Ally would say, 'Sorry y'all but I'm gonna hit the haaaay'." I kissed her forehead before giving Ally a hug too.

"I so don't talk like that, Y/N. Get it straight." Ally mumbled.

"You mean, get it gay? Okay, I'm joking! Damn." I tried to joke but after witnessing Ally's first ever kinda scary glare, I immediately walked to the door.

"I'll see you guys when I see you guys. Goodnight Green Eyes."


I have questions. (aye)(jk only one)

when you guys read stories, which color scale you use(the three colour options)? weird question, i know.

like i use black most of the time and white in the sun. i just wondered lol

Cruise Ship (C.C/YOU/L.J)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora