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It sucks. As always, she will be out of the door before I wake up. It was clock work by now. I never got to kiss her forehead good morning. What we did last night, I mean this morning, was something I did not plan or expected. By the looks of it, she might be regretting it and honestly, I really don't want it to be the last thing I said.

It definitely took a toll on me. She was very different from what I expected. She's very closed off doing her own thing, or maybe with her friends. Have we even exchanged numbers? The answer to that is no and I just knew that when I tried to call her or message her.

Great, even my own roommate is ghosting on me. Finally realising the time had reached over three in the afternoon, I decided to grab my breakfast, lunch, brunch?

As I got dress I couldn't help but think fuck it. Cabello wants to leave, so she leaves. Maybe she has a reason to it. My very unmatched clothing which consisted a sweatpants and a crop top, I finally start my move to head to the restaurant.

Just before leaving though, I grabbed one of Camila's cap and wore it backwards. Swiping off my room card, phone and some money off my desk.

As I walked down the path that led me to the restaurant, my eyes drifted towards the tiny land that was noticeable by the end of the ocean. Tomorrow must be the first stop on the cruise. I wonder if-

"Ow! I'm sorry I wasn't looking ahead. Are you ok- oh, hey." I stop talking when I finally took a look at her face.

"Hey," She giggled. "You alright there buddy? You seem out of sorts." She finished of with grazing her hand on my shoulder down my arm to my hand and grabbed it.

My eyes couldn't help but follow the action. My thumb starts to rub her hand willingly. I licked my lips. "Must be from the fact I just woke up and I'm starving." I lift my gaze up to her face. My smile was plastered on her face.

"I could eat the whole cow, just saying." I added on which triggered her laughter. She squeezed my hand lightly as she laughed, her other hand blocking the view of her laugh.

I didn't stop myself from joining her. Her eyes were closed yet I kept mine open.

"Okay but by yourself? Where did all your girlfriends go today?" She teased, taking a step forward to pinch my cheek. She stayed close after, not backing to her original place.

I throw her a look of question before pulling a sad frown while looking downwards. "I'm a hit for a night but ditched by day." My eyes rested to our hands which were still connected.

The wind blowed around us, giving a slight breeze. I can't wait to just hit land already. Toes in the sand, cute girls in cute outfits. Maybe I could get another glimpse of Lauren in her bikini. Maybe even Camila.

"Aw, baby girl." She teased, I couldn't help myself from the eye role. I look back at her to see her nose scrunched up, which reminded me of a certain someone.

"Come on, I'll show them your still fun for the day. Lucky for you, I haven't gotten lunch yet. So we're grabbing some yummies for our tummies together, alright?" She swinged my hand to reinforce her words.

"If you're paying, I am sold for the day." I joked. It earned another weak slap to the shoulder accompanied by her very light laugh which I recognized now.

Damn, am I really this funny or is she on something?

"Oh stop it, you know I work here. Everything I eat is free." She explained her privileges. I really didn't know that. Shit, I might just sign up for a shift for that very reason.

"Alright, Lara. Let's get to a table already." We walked to the restaurant in a semi fast pace while our intertwined hands were still attached to one another.

Once again, I crossed the swimming pool. This time the scenery had change. It's more serene. Most were on their backs, getting a tan while a couple of kids were splashing in the pool. A girl sat on one of the chairs with a guy, she was eating a burger.

I want that burger, man.

The girl looked up as she wiped some sauce of her lips and that's when I panicked. "Oh, shit. Lara, cover me." I whisper shouted as I wrapped my arm over her shoulders while ducking my head, hoping my bigger frame is hidden behind her. I didn't have the time to process the blush that formed on her cheeks.

"Um, wow. Is this your way to get in my-" I pulled Lara's hand, swinging her to me. I hugged her tightly, facing away from the burger eating lady.

My hand gripped her waist as I whispered to her ear. "One of the so called girlfriend is there. Eating the burger, you see?" I rest my forehead against her neck, steadily my breathing.

"I- yes, she's looking at us. She's like talking to a guy and standing up." She said as she planted her hands around my neck. "She's coming over!" She whisper shouted in my ear.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I took a deep breath. "In three, we are sprinting the fuck out of here. Got it, blue eyes?" I asked. Lara nodded in agreement and giggled a bit at how serious I sound.




We ran to the restaurant in giggling fits. Lara started slowing down and I couldn't afford the burger girl to start beating Lara in jealousy. I ran back to Lara to only picked her up causing her to scream and laugh even louder.

I look back to see Lauren staring with a confused look before walking back to Ty.

Cruise Ship (C.C/YOU/L.J)Where stories live. Discover now