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Being by land changed the atmosphere of the ship. For one, it was warmer and the wind wasn't as harsh as it is while cruising. It was also louder. I could hear the hustle and bustle of new people coming in just like Dua and also from the land itself.

Unfortunately, Paul couldn't join us on the cruise with his busy schedule. Leaving Dua to me and only me. I took his place in carrying Dua's crap ton of luggage and hauled it all to her room. I definitely broke a sweat, not going to lie.

"Whew, is it just me or you're room is hotter than hell itself?" I asked before taking of the hoodie. Dua's room was bigger than mine and that speaks volume since she was alone and I shared mine. I flung myself onto the bed, missing the amount of space it provides. "Can we change rooms? Yours is cooler." I mumbled into the sheets.

Dua was adjusting the air conditioner at the panel. "I guess you could just come over anytime and stay here." She walked over to where I laid face down to the bed and sat on top of my back. I groaned at the sudden weight on my back. She jumped slightly. She's doing this on purpose. "Talk about Camila. Tell me, did you smashed that little latina yet?" She joked.

"Define smashed." I countered.

An immediate response was to whack my head. "You little shit, what had you done?"

I hold the back of my head dramatically. "Ouch? I know you got a kink with slapping but was it necessary to do that?" I complained. "I'll only talk if you get your fat ass off of me."

With that, I explained the situation to her as we sat on her bed facing each other. It was quick to explain since, really, not much happened between us. Now that I think about it, I wasn't sad per say, I was more confused on to why she left abruptly.

"Maybe she just had a meeting with her team." Dua reasoned. It was possible. She did mentioned she was performing at Brazil. "But hey, not many could say they fingered her in a cruise ship. You could sell that story for millions honestly." Dua joked as she bounce on the bed, causing a ripple effect that I also jumped a bit.

She mananged to get me to smile by the time I left. She was exhausted from settling in and said she needed to shower.

It was close to midnight when I found myself at one of the restaurants. When I sat down, I got a text from Ethan, my trainer, to not forget to go to the gym while I'm here and also sticking to the diet.

I replied with an okay before calling over the waitress and asking for the deep dish pizza and a cold beer. As I waited for it to arrive, I started an Instagram live. Immediately the numbers went up to a couple of hundreds.

"Ello mate." I greeted the people who joined. Most who responding back where random people.

The waiter came over with my order and I glance over him, moving my phone in embarrassment and since it was in the way of him placing the plate. I gave him a smile, slightly nodding when I thanked him.

I glanced back at my phone in my left hand while I grabbed a pizza slice. The comments were filled with hearts. Confused, I asked. "Why are y'all spamming hearts?" Taking a bite of my dinner. It took a while but the answer almost made me end it.

Lauren joined!

Lern is here hoe

Lern Jergi <3

I gave out a weak smile before excusing myself saying I wanted to enjoy my dinner. "Hey, I'll talk to y'all next time. Gotta give bae my full attention." Pointing to my pizza. Laughing emojis were spammed and a few goodbyes went through before I ended it.


sighed, eating in silence. After three out of six slices and half the beer, I asked the waiter to wrap up my leftovers so I could enjoy in my bed later that night. As I place the right amount of money in the bill holder I felt a hand gripping lightly on my shoulder. Closing the bill holder, I handed it over to the waiter.


Turning around it the one and only, Lauren Jauregui. Tracking me down after knowing where I was to talk. I acted nonchalantly about her sudden presence.

"Hey, Green Eyes." Casually I greeted as I moved away from the chair. Resulting in Lauren's hand dropping from my shoulder.

"Ty, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Tyrone, I met him a couple of days ago." She said. I didn't even realised that Ty was besides her.

I shook his hand with a tight smile. Not knowing much to say about this awkward situation. "Nice to know you, Tyrone." He kept silent for a few moment. He glanced at me from head to toe, as if sizing up my worth. Maybe thinking if I'm worth his time.

But weirdly enough, he smiled to brightly. Chuckling a little. I was taken back by this reaction. Is my face that funny to him? Damn.

"Oh honey, call me Ty." He said lightly, his arm raised and his hand almost swatting my shoulder in a joking matter. I was so confused. "Wow Lauren, you were right."

Offended I glanced over to Lauren who was smiling. "What does he mean by that?" I asked.

She came closer and whispered in my ear jokingly. Based on Ty's face, he heard everything. "That you were too busy to notice he's gay." Then she began to laugh so hard with Ty.

I focused back on him. Great body, hair kept well, pretty green eyes as well... FIGURES! "Figures! No wonder you guys looked confused as to why I ran away from you people." I said connecting the dots.

Lauren coughed. "That was rude, by the way. I was walking towards you." She nudged me.

I chuckled awkwardly. Note to self, don't make assumptions.


lmao made a homophobe gay. that's goals right there. looks like Lauren has a new gay best friend ;)

p.s 6k reads??? How did I manage that? I'm guessing we're all dry in fanfic so we'll just read whatever there's left lmao. Also first update in 2018 woop woop

p.s.s hehe I published a camila/you story. check it out if you're interested. I've only put up the prologue. okie that is all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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