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a big whoop whoop for late updates, problematic lifes and using my neighbour's wifi.

a big aw man to very little refs. enjoy mate.


The walk back to the room was a long one and the walk was accompanied by the sound of people having a good time at the pool. I realised they were playing Down by Fifth Harmony, which I totally bought in iTunes, that made them go into a party mood. I couldn't help my feet from walking towards the area.

The were dozens of teenagers clad in their swimsuits, jumping around in the pool. The pool water splashed at every direction. It was weird, I often see really old people with white hair around the ship. It's definitely a change of scenery. Especially when they're all underage, intoxicated out of their minds from the drinks the bar was serving without a care.

I moved over to the bar through the wet floor and people. I ordered a drink before settling down on a stool by the bar. My drink came not later and I payed for it immediately. When I took a sip of my drink the second time I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I spinned over, I was faced with a bikini clad chest of a women.

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks soon after. "Shit, sorry." I duck my head embarrassment. "I totally didn't check out your boobs or something." I rambled out. My face grew even redder if it was possible after I heard her familiar laugh.

"Not so charming when I'm in this now are we? What are you doing here?" I tilted my head upwards to meet a blondie. I sigh in annoyance although the smile on my lips betrayed me.

"Oh I am, you just caught me by surprise. For the second question, I literally got lured into this chaos of teenagers by the lit music they've been playing." I smirked before grabbing a hold of her hand and kiss her knuckles, only to sing the next line of Thief by Ansel Elgort.

It earned another laugh from her as she clutches her other hand on the right side of her chest, motioning how I swept her off of her feet. "What are you doing here in that bikini?" I asked her.

Lara responded back after stealing a sip from my drink. "It's a friend's party, She's turning 20." She looked over to the silver haired girl sitting on a floatie, surrounded by guys.

My thumb grazing on her hand brought us looking back at each other. I took a glance at the clock behing the bar, it was getting really late. "I should go, it's late." Lara frowned. "Besides, I'm not even invited to this lame party." I joked.

I stood up and met eye to eye with her. Giving her a goodbye before letting go of her hand. I started walking back from where I came from, it had definitely gotten even more wet and crowded. I was about to reach the corridor leading back to my room when I felt a hold on my arm the pulled me.

"Wait, Y/N," Lara bit her lower lip, in a hesitant manner. "We're going out."

I looked at her confused. "We are?" I asked unsure. That was out of nowhere.

When a shy smile she continued, "I meant, to the club. As friends. You still owe me that."

"Well, I can't promise a date. I've got some things to do this week," I scratched my back neck to ease the itch caused from the tag. "Maybe next week? I'll text you."

"Okay," She looked back at the pool. "I'm just gonna... go, there.. by the pool. Night L/N." Before I could return back a word, she left as quickly as she came. Shrugging, I continued on my walk back.

The sounds made of the turned of the knob made me cringe. Fearing it woke up a sleeping Camila. As I snuck into the dark room, I couldn't help the Deja Vu I felt.

It wasn't long before Camila exited the bathroom with her eyes closed. "Is that you, babe?" She walked closer to where I standed, between the beds. I ignored the rapid beat of my heart when I heard the significant endearment.

"Yeah, it's me. Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked as I reached out my hand to her cheek. She leaned into it and hummed. Her cheek was warm even in the cold dark -well, slightly brighter from the light of the bathroom- room. I moved my palm up to her forehead, where it was much more hotter. "Sweetheart, are you okay? You're burning up?" Getting more concerned about her.

She reached out and hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder. Her cheek squished on it. "I'm sure it just the food. Almost dropped into a coma when I came back." She answered. Her breath tickling my neck as she spoke. Her finger drawing a unique pattern on my back. It was distracting and soothing at the same time. "Kind of waited for you to come back. I want to sleep with you."

A low giggle erupted out of my mouth. "There's the girl I met on day one. I'll sleep with you if you want to sleep with me, it'd be a pleasure." It wasn't long until I yelp in pain when I felt her pinch my back.

"I take it back, I don't want to sleep with you." She huffed in annoyance, retreating back to her bed. Before I managed to slip a word out, Camila turned back with a smile playing on her lips. "I decide. Not you. Period." She scrunched up her nose before jumping under the covers of her bed.

I huffed in defeat. Changing into my nightwear after washing my face and brushed my teeth. When I reentered the room, Camila's light snores ring through the room softly. It wasn't long after I laid down on the bed, I knocked out of my consciousness drifting off to a blurry dream.


i wished i spoiled you guys like Damn_Jauregui does :')

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