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lol i just love putting lyrics in paragraphs.

not edited.


Camila and I had fun last night. There was literally no one last night, we stayed in the pool until 3 a.m. then left only because we almost freeze to death at that point. We had ran to our room while I clutched my dry clothes. I felt like a kid again. Being rebellious and all. But to be quite honest, the first hour was a blur from the alcohol. There was definitely some heavy tension going on and it getting more so heavier each day.

We had definitely gotten close quickly. The joking, flirting with one another and the tension! It's reaching the breaking point faster than Camila's morning showers.

"Cami, can you shower faster? The good foods are going to be gone by the time we reach there." I shouted from my desk. I was on my laptop, checking out my last upload on YouTube. The view count had definitely jumped from the last one and my subscribe count too. Even with all the positive feedback, there was still tons of backlash from OT4 fans and camren shippers. Which I had to admit, was pretty funny to read.

"I'm almost done! Shit, can't you like chill out?" Camila answered back before shower head turned off. The noise of shuffling in the bathroom made it evident that she was almost done as said.

Cameela Is Queen: ew, why are you even friends with MY WIFE? ugh.

Camren FTW: omg lauren is gonna be so jealous.

So Annoying OMG: if lauren denies camren again im gonna ship #Y/S/N instead.

She's probably getting dressed in there. Eventually, the shuffling stopped and camila came out of the bathroom clothed. She was wearing a ripped jeans over her knees and thighs while her torso was wrapped in an oversized thin hoodie and a black cap that has a tiny 'CONGRATULATIONS, YOU PLAYED YOURSELF' written in the front and 'BANANA' at the back.

Of course, as always, she looked good in anything or nothing at all.

"Looking good, Cabello. Extra daddy-ish today aren't you?" I playfully bit my lips as I teased her, earning myself a view of her cheeks reddening and a light smack on cheek. I laughed. "Come on daddy Cabello, I'm in a mood for some fruits." I tugged Camila by her wrist. To say simply, I looked like a kid. I was wearing my pink short shorts overalls and a white crop top with long sleeves.

"Y/N, you need to chill!" Camila laughed out. I stuck my tongue out as a response. "Real mature. Now you look and act like a baby." I rolled my eyes playfully. At least I'm a hella cute baby.

When we arrived over the restaurant, there was still piles of every single breakfast meal and Camila couldn't help but sang "I've told you so." softly. I groaned and muttered a whatever before proceeding to the fruit area.

I've always loved eating strawberries and mangoes. There's something about not knowing if it'd be sweet or sour with each bite that has my interest. Grabbing a plate full of the palatable fruits, I walked over to Camila with a friend.

"Y/N meet Ashlee, she plays guitar and admittedly a huge fan of yours." Camila giggled when Ashlee blushed beet red. Ashlee and I got acquainted throughout breakfast. I found out she calls Cami with a unique nickname which was Mimi. Their friendship made me miss my friends.

We continued scarfing down our meal while laughing over some badly executed adorable jokes from Camila herself until the one and only Jauregui was standing infront of our table.

Oh shit.

"Well isn't it Cabello." Lauren sneered upon realizing I was hanging out with Camila. Camila equally glared back, making me grab her hand to calm her down. One of the bad things I did. Lauren quickly shifted her eyes to our connected hands, to me and Camila. Immediately, I pulled our connected hands underneath the table, out of Lauren's eye sight. Lauren's angry look dropped to a frown before quickly changing into an unreadable expression.

Camila smirked, she saw lauren frowned. She began talking with the sweetest voice I've heard, which I'm pretty sure is filled with poisonous hatred. "Lauren Jauregui, nice to know you still have a thing for pretty girls. On an opposite subject, how's your girlfriend?" If it wasn't for who she was talking about, I'd say confident Cami was definitely a turn on out loud.

"Cabello, you know damn well what happened! You know Lucy and I-" Lauren stopped mid sentence once she realized people were staring. And that I was still there. Staring but confused.

Lucy who?

"Hey Green Eyes, did you know how hot you are when you're mad?" Quickly I slapped my mouth. Did I really just said that?? this is NOT the time Y/N. It definitely broke the ice because Lauren smiled.

"Oh yeah, I do. You would be surprised to know there's a bunch of kids begging me to punch them." Lauren lets out a small chuckle before realising the situation in hand.

Lauren sighed, running her hand through her black thick hair. "I'll see you whenever Y/N. We're so not done Cabello and you know it." With that, Lauren disappeared through the wave of people.


"Explain, now."

Camila and I were back in our room after the incident. I couldn't grasp any information from what seemed to be a fight between Camila and Lauren. Immediately after Lauren bad stormed away, I walked back to the room with Camila trailing behind.

"We used to date," What the fuck? Camren was real? "When it all first started. It ended because Lauren cheated. With that girl, Lucy. She's my muse for the song I have questions." She explained sitting on the edge of her bed.

The fact that they had dated was already something but again, who is Lucy? I've never- "Who's Lucy?" I asked and Camila went through the girl's background briefly. So basically, Lucy was an attractive girl that looked like Camila but less attractive than Camila? (A/N: the shade thoo)

"What did she do?"

"I saw her making out with Lucy a couple of times. I didn't make a big deal about it the first time because it could have a mistake or some type of misunderstanding but after 5 times I know this isn't supposed to be labeled as a mistake." Camila explained. Fiddling with her fingers. There was sadness in her voice. Camila managed to huff out a sigh before focusing on her tiny fingers.

"Everything happens for a reason, Cami. Was she the real reason you left?" I couldn't help but ask. "You know you could tell me anything babe."

"I guess. Kinda. I don't know. The group didn't feel the same anymore. It used to be home, you know? But that last year I felt like since we're not lovers, that's when we're just strangers, an outsider stepping in others territory." I sat beside her by now. Without exchanging any more words, I hugged her. So tight, trying to gather her emotions but only to have her sobbing gently in my arms.

"You have me now," I tried to calm her down. "I'm here for you, Cami." I rubbed her back for reassurance. We stayed like that for some time. Camila had relaxed and her grip around my shoulders loosen. She had cried herself to sleep.

I gently placed her head on her pillow and removed her shoes. Standing, i took a hold of her legs and place them on the bed. Before I went to my own bed, I made sure she was under the covers, with a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Even at that moment, where she had dried up tears on her cheeks, she looked absolutely beautiful.


lowkey i love reading comments. it has been a habit of mine on wattpad.

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