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IM SORRY. lmao revisiting this and its such a cringe but people like it. I had to rewrite this because I didn't like the first draft. I laid back the refs 😂.




After the lunch Lara and I had, we decided on heading over to the library. As thought, the sound system had announced that we will be stopping by a part at europe to fill in the gas and such.

I pulled the door of the library, allowing Lara to enter first. Lara mumbled a small thanks before I walked in. "Let's play a game." I said as we walked to the rows of shelves filled with books.

Lara laughed but abruptly ended it with she realised how loud she was. "Okay, I didn't know I was in a Saw movie." She sarcastically said as she ran her forefinger on the spine of the library books.

I shook my head as I looked to my right side. "I'm just suggesting, Lara. I'm bored." I sigh as I pouted. It had only reached late afternoon and time seemed to past really slow. Lara nodded, agreeing that she's bored as well.

Finally, Lara had a bright idea. "Pick a number, one to ten." She said excitedly. I couldn't help but looked at her weirdly. Where did this sudden energy came from?

I scratched my head. "Seven?" I questioned.

Lara began walking by the shelves, counting to seven. She stopped in front of the G section. Swiftly, she turned. "Pick a number again, but no repeats!" She pointed a finger towards me and I took a step back, surprised by the suddenly appearing finger.

I said six and she grabbed the sixth book on the third shelf. She peeked at the last page of the library book. A small smile formulates on her face. "now pick between one to three hundred and seventy-six." She simply says.

I laughed before answering. "Sixty-nine." I coughed when she elbowed me to the stomach before searching for the page. While she searched for the page I realised what book she's holding.

Great words from the only, Donald Trump.

She giggled before clearing her voice. "Hold on, let me get my Trump voice going." I raised my hands, signaling her to do whatever she wants. "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything….Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. Ah, don't we love america, Y/N?" We both broke into laughter. Unbelievable.

How did he manage to be the president?

I grabbed the book and flipped through it again. Grinning once I found another ridiculous quote. "Oh, you'll fucking love this." I started. "I think I am actually humble. I think I’m much more humble than you would understand."

Lara's face immediately scrunched up is confusion. "That's literally not a humble thing to say." She grabbed my shoulder. "We need to stop before we get cancer, Y/N." She said seriously. The next thing the happen was definitely very overdramatic.

She slapped the book out of my hands and began to walk away whilst pulling my shirt by the shoulder. Flabbergasted, jaw dropped, I followed her out to the deck. Once I realized what happened, I pulled back. "Did you... Slapped the book away from me? We didn't pick it up!" I shouted.

Cruise Ship (C.C/YOU/L.J)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora