Chapter Two: First Class

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Your POV
Art. My favorite subject. The one place where I can go and not be stared at. Or that's what I thought until I walked into the classroom. There were four groups of tables, each group could seat five students and to my amazing luck, it seems as though I'm stuck sitting with the jocks. I sighed and slowly made my way to the open seat and sat down...the whole room went quiet. They were all staring at me, I wasn't looking but, I could feel it. One of the jocks I was sitting by was a black skeleton and on the other side of me, a fish girl.

 One of the jocks I was sitting by was a black skeleton and on the other side of me, a fish girl

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The fish girl was probably about to ask me why I sat down next to her and her friends, but I beat her to it,   "First of all, this was the only seat left and second," I looked at everyone else in the room

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The fish girl was probably about to ask me why I sat down next to her and her friends, but I beat her to it,
   "First of all, this was the only seat left and second," I looked at everyone else in the room.
   " Don't stare at me." As I said this, I noticed that a couple of other skeletons faintly blushed but, I pretended not to notice. The other jock was about to say something when the art teacher came in and interrupted him.

 The other jock was about to say something when the art teacher came in and interrupted him

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"Ok, class we have a new student, YN, would you like to introduce yourself?" He said. I stood up and said,
  " My name is YN LN, I care only for my sister and," I looked at the art teacher,
   "I don't like being the center of attention."
   I realize how rude that was, but I could honestly care less, and it seemed as though upon my gaze the teacher had a faint rainbow dusting his face. I must've embarrassed him. I let my eyes wonder to my open backpack, I grabbed my notebook and pencil and sat back down. The room was no longer quiet as the teacher had snapped out of his temporary daze, and introduced himself as Mr. Ink. He had announced that today was a free day so we could draw anything. I was already about to finish outlining my picture and start coloring when I noticed Mr. Ink was looking over my shoulder trying to figure out what I was drawing when I answered his question,
  "My mom."

   He looked at me dumbfounded,    "I know, we don't look anything like each other but, there's a reason for that," I said, my head down

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   He looked at me dumbfounded,
   "I know, we don't look anything like each other but, there's a reason for that," I said, my head down. I was trying to fight off the tears, but I was failing miserably. By then I realized everyone in the room was looking at, either me or my drawing, everyone obviously waiting for me to continue.
11 years ago
' I was normal once and I didn't like it' Mom said her beautiful EC eyes resting on Lilith and I.
  'So what happened?' I asked. She laughed,
   'You already know know the story.'
   ' I know it's just a really good one!' I replied back, Lilith nodded her head in agreement.
  'Ok, fine, story time! Once upon a time, there was a normal little girl living a normal little life with a normal little family. The school she went to was normal too, but the boys, oh, the boys, they were like creatures from a terrible place. They often teased the little girl for being 'too happy', they would often punch or kick her and the teacher would let it happen. It was enjoyment for their miserable lives, this happened for years. Until that one day, the day those boys took harassment too far, they cut the girl's hair and watched her cry out. She had been growing it out for as long as she could remember, and they simply cut it, as if it were nothing. She had enough. She couldn't hold onto sanity any longer. She snapped. She killed all seven of the boys in her fit of rage and insanity. She continued to kill everything in sight until she was finally shot in the head by S.W.A.T. members. Now she is here in hell, with her beloved husband and two beautiful daughters.' Mom said finishing the story. Lilith and I smiled we loved the story, the part where she murdered people was a bit scary, but it made for a great story.
I was still lost in thought until I looked around at everyone they were still waiting. I looked down and narrowed my eyes,
"That story will never be told!" I slightly yelled. They all seemed taken aback but, continued to do whatever they were doing and I added color to my drawing. It looked exactly like Mom.

 I sat in my seat just staring at the drawing for, God knows how long, when the bell rang

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I sat in my seat just staring at the drawing for, God knows how long, when the bell rang. I jumped at the sudden noise but, packed up and headed to my locker and dropped off my things. I started heading for my next class, gym class.

(805 words)

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