Chapter 13: Why (part two)

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Your POV
   I smirked.
  "I knew it." Dust looked at me taken aback for a split second, temporarily losing his 'edgy' demeanor. He made a quick comeback though, and immediately glared at me,
  "How'd you know?" He inquired suspiciously, yet, cautiously.
  "I'm a demon, that's all you need to know," I replied as I pushed Dust back, freeing myself.
  He crossed his arms but didn't say anything. I shrugged,
  "If it makes you feel better, your aura gave you away."
  "...does that mean your sister can see my aura too?"
  "No, though we're both demons and related for that matter, though she can't see auras."
  "...It's...", I looked away.
  "None of your business, I'm tired of being interrogated, plus we got to get back to class. Now, put your glasses back on so your little secret isn't revealed."
  Dust gave me a disinterested look, but slid his glasses back on his face.
          His aura softened.
He almost immediately broke eye contact with me. I just turned around and went back to class, Dust soon followed...he didn't look or speak to me for the rest of class...I don't know why he thinks he's in a place to judge me. His secrets aren't as concealed as he may like them to be...

Time Skip

   Now, gym... ugh. How was I early again? Oh, I guess I wasn't the only one, there's Undyne and Skater Girl. I walked up to them clearing my throat to make my presence known, but  they didn't seem to register it...


   "Uh...? Undyne? Skater?" I said waving my hand in front of their faces. It was like they were frozen mid conversation... I started to feel my stomach churn as the gym around us gradually got darker and darker leaving only me and Undyne floating in the empty void. I closed my eyes trying reason to myself that this was only a dream.

I opened my eyes to find Undyne's hands tightly wrapped around my neck. The look in her eye showed true fear as I barely registered what she was saying after recovering from shock,
"Shit! Th- they! He...t-this wasn't supposed to happen! You've gotta fix this! It's all your fault!!!"
With a sudden burst of adrenaline I was able to break free from her vice grip and gasp for the air that would stop the black circles in my vision,
"S...slow down Undyne," I slurred, my windpipes screaming for me to shut up, " I... don't follow."
Undyne started to visibly shake, her eye no longer able to focus on me.
"It's YOUR FAULT!!!" She screamed as her shaking brought her to her knees, "This wouldn't have happened if you had just stayed away! Your the reason I lost my best friend! Now you have to save him."
Without any time to react, blue spears formed all around me, piercing every part of my body that was needed for life.

A small upside down heart that was half purple and half pale pink with an amber outline quivered in the dark void. Cracks ran through it before it shattered like glass, bringing silence to the void once more.

(527 words)
Don't worry, it not the end. I know it may be a little confusing right now but it'll all fold out and make sense... somewhat.

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