Chapter Four: I Don't Really Care

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Your POV
So, I eventually found the nurse's office, felt kind stupid for not noticing the sign that literally said nurse's office. I got Paper Jam to the nurse and decided to stay until he woke up, it's the least I could do, I guess. (Mrs?) Toriel was very nice and understood why I wanted to stay and would write me a pass to class and stuff. She reminds me of my mom, she had a very noticeable motherly aura that would make anyone feel more comfortable. Well, I'm pretty sure Paper Jam might be awhile so I decided to listen to some music and drown out all other unwanted sounds and worries.

"He said

"Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?"
"Come with me, and you'll be, the seventh maid in a row."
My answer was laughter, soft as I lowered my head
*you're too late, I'm afraid, this flower's already dead

Resetting as I was, with blossoms in full bloom
(Blossoms in full bloom)
Never a chance to pause with magic to consume
(Magic to consume)
A shadow walked behind me offering his hand
But couldn't understand

He said

"oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?"
"come with me, and you'll be, the seventh maid in a row"
My answer was laughter soft as I lowered my head
*you're too late, I'm afraid, this flower's already dead

Scattering petals down the road without an end
(Road without an end)
Left on the battleground for one I called my friend
(One I called my friend)
Maybe he loved me as he took me by the hand
And tried to understand

I said

"oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?"
"stay with me, I can't see anywhere that we could go"
Their answer was laughter as darkness swallowed them up
*One more time, I'll be fine, sometimes kindness is enough

"oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow?"
"don't leave me, please don't be the seventh maid in a row"
My answer, a whisper, soft as he lowered his head
*set them free, I'm sorry, this flower's already dead"

Paper Jam's POV
I woke to the sound of singing it filled the room with both beautiful and sad lyrics. The one singing had the voice of an angel. I opened my eyes and sat up to find the one and only demon who knocked me out. She didn't seem to notice that I was awake and seemed unaware that she was singing aloud. I took a moment to looked at all her features, she had HL, HC hair, radiant SC skin, and she wore a blue jean jacket, jean shorts, and dark blue shoes. She was an absolute beau- wait! What the hell am I thinking! I can't be falling in love! C-can I?
She finished the song and glanced at me, her eyes widened in shock and she took of her headphones.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked
"A little while," I replied.
" H-how much of the song did you hear?" She asked nervously.
I smirked, "The whole thing."
She blushed heavily and looked away, ashamed.
"I-it was really good t-though!" I said, immediately regretting my words, it was now my turn to blush. She giggled,
"You're really cute when you blush," she said smiling.
I only blushed more, but before I could say anything else she stood up and came closer to the bed I was laying on.
"You do remember who I am? Right?" She asked me.
"You're YN, the demon with the fast ball," I answered smiling. She offered her hand to help me off the bed which I gladly took and we made our way to lunch hand in hand. YN seemed like she wanted to let go of my hand, but I wouldn't loosen my grip until we got into the lunchroom.

No one's POV
The whole lunchroom was quiet as everyone stared at PJ and YN, many were amazed that PJ was actually holding YN's hand on free will, some even started shipping them together *cough cough* Alphys*cough cough*. There was one girl though, the one named Kitten, who automatically hated YN. PJ was hers not YN's and she would go to extreme lengths to make PJ hers and only hers. Kitten marched right up to PJ and YN getting ready to slap YN, but right before Kitten's hand made contact with YN's face, a hand caught Kitten's. It was none other that YN herself, with lightning fast reflexes, who caught Kitten's hand. PJ had, by then, let go of her hand and with her free hand YN flicked Kitten's forehead. Yes she could have done way more damage, but didn't feel like wasting the energy.
" Stay away from PJ, or else," Kitten threatened.
YN looked her straight in the eye, " I don't really care enough to be scared of your measly threat and you haven't really made a good first impression," YN said emotionless as she went outside to sit with her sister, Lilith, who was patiently waiting for her.

(849 words)

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