Chapter Three: Ultimate Dodgeball and New Friends

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Your POV
   Gym's too early for me to be dealing with these egotistical assholes known as jocks. Some of them are ok, I guess, most jocks just try to take...control. Not saying I don't like being in control, it's just most jocks gain control by force.
   I guess I must've been lost in thought since I nearly walked into someone...huh...another skeleton.

  I just froze, I didn't really know what to do, so I just kinda stood there awkwardly

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  I just froze, I didn't really know what to do, so I just kinda stood there awkwardly. When the skeleton turned around after feeling my presence.
Pallet's POV
  For some reason I felt a very awkward and tense atmosphere near me so I decided to turn around and try to find the source. As I turned around I saw a girl who was a little taller than me with HL, HC hair. I stared at her for a second taking in all her features when I noticed that she looked really uncomfortable so I decided to speak up.
"Hey are you ok?" I asked.
", um w-what's your name?" She replied nervously.
"Pallet, and you," I answered. "YN," she replied quietly, almost as if she didn't want others to know.
"Well, YN I hope we can be good friends," I said "sorry I've got to cut this short since I got to get to my next class, see you around!" I yelled, sprinting off to history.
Your POV
   Oh shit, I need to get to my class too. I started running to class and quickly changing for class. I seem to be on some sort of early schedule or something since I'm arriving early in class, Lilith must've thrown me off schedule. Well, it seems as though I have five minutes before class starts, might as well read the time away, I got out FB and started reading as other students piled into the gym. Once everyone was sitting on the bleachers the coach spoke up
"Alright! It's come to my attention that there is a new student here! Would you stand up and introduce yourself!" He yelled.
Ugh...I stood up after getting to a stopping point and introduced myself, yet again,
"YN" is all I said.
"And where are you from YN?" He questioned.
"Hell," I replied.
The coach looked like he really wanted to slap himself for not noticing that I was a demon, he paused to try and make a witty remark, but failed miserably.
"You're clever I'll give you that," he smirked " so today, there will be no running, instead you all will play dodgeball!"
Dodgeball...dodgeball! Something that I actually liked! The coach split everyone up, boys against girls, oh I'm gonna destroy the boys. The teams all went on the walls opposite of each other, waiting for the game to start. The coach blew his whistle and everyone practically sprinted for a ball...except me. I always wait until almost everyone in my team got out, and from the looks of it, that won't take long at all. After a while I noticed that many of my teammates were getting out because of head shots that kind pissed me off since it looked like my teammates were either nerds or the popular girls, you know the kind that sits around while she waits for compliments, ugh. Well I see that there are only two girls, not including me, left on my team while the boys' team had only one boy out. Time to get to business. All of the balls were on the girls' side of the gym so I decided to come up with a strategy with the other girls. I called them over, it was the same fish girl from before and another girl who looked like a skater.
"Here's the plan," I started " grab as many balls as possible and get ready to throw, I'll throw up a decoy, one that is easy to catch but while they are waiting for it to land in their arms. We'll pelt them with the other balls as fast and as hard as we can, is that ok?"
They both nodded and got ready. I threw up the decoy and I was right they were falling for the trick, the three of us pelted them with dodge balls until we ran out, but there was still one boy left the same black skeleton from art. He actually looked really pissed off about my plan actually working. The fish girl, Undyne, I think said that he was Paper Jam or PJ for short. That he's the son of coach Error and that he hates losing, oh that only makes me want to win against him even more now. He took aim and after a little while he managed to hit both of my teammates, well at least it's fair now. He aimed to hit me too and I nearly did get hit but I moved at the last second making everyone gasp in shock.
"What have none of you seen anyone dodge a ball?" I asked.
" That was his fast one has ever been able to dodge it," Undyne answered, still shocked.
I smirked, then I laughed and laughed,
"You call that fast?!" I said through small fits of giggles.
"That's pretty damn slow in my opinion!"
"Then show us fast then," PJ said unimpressed.
"You might get hurt~" I cooed still trying to hold in laughter.
"JUST DO IT ALREADY!" He yelled at me.
I smirked,
"Never thought I'd get to injured someone on the first day," I said picking up a ball,
"Remember, you asked for this~" I said as I hurled MY fast ball at him. My fast ball can reach 15mph which can easily knock someone out and even do permanent damage, this was bad because I hit PJ square in the face, this easily knocked him out. I quickly ran to him as everyone crowded around, he wasn't seriously hurt, but he most likely got a concussion so I picked him up bridal style and told coach Error that I'd take PJ to the nurse.
Oh gosh what's Lilith going to do to me when she finds out. Oh well.

(1035 words)

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