Chapter Five: What Happened?

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Your POV
    Lilith had chosen to sit outside, I honestly didn't really care, but it did look like it would rain. Doesn't matter, I'm going to the library after I ask Lilith about her day.
  "So, Lilith how was your day so far?" I asked while sitting across from her.
  "It's been good," she replied.
   "...What happened?" I asked.
  "Nothing..." she answered.
   "Well if nothing happened I'll just be on my way to the library," I said as I stood up.
  "See you around, Stormy," I said walking away.
   Hopefully she'll talk to me about it later.
Lilith's POV
Something did happen, but I didn't feel like getting anyone hurt today. I love YN, but she can be a little over protective a times. I didn't feel comfortable talking to her about my problems especially with almost everyone staring at either me or her from inside the cafeteria. I sighed as I picked at my food, I hadn't made any friends yet because of the guy who tripped me. He made me sound clumsy and stupid for not being able to see his foot. I wish I was as calm as YN, she's like a magnet for friends despite rumors. Only thing is that she doesn't really trust people at first...I wish people would give me a chance like they do her.
(Lilith is a mythological female Mesopotamian storm demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease, illness, and death. That's why her nickname is Stormy)
(252 words)

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