Chapter 41

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A/N: Wow lots of love on that last chapter! I love it cause I love reading what you guys have to say! Thank you. This is like a filler chapter with some cute Maya/Gabe moments and some Lucaya moments too.  :)

Maya POV

Lucas did a wonderful job with the girls room and I was able to get the wall decor done. now all that need to be done was Hope's crib and Marah's bed. Lucas decided he would put those together today so while he went off to do that I went to load the dishwasher. Gabe was playing with his toys and watching TV but when I got done he was no longer in the living room. I thought maybe he went to his room to play with his toys because sometimes he goes in there. Since I was done with the dishes I went to check on Gabe but when I got to his room he wasn't there. I could hear chatter coming from the girls room so I went there to see what he was doing. When I got there I stopped in my tracks because there Lucas stood shirtless in basketball shorts. He caught me standing in the doorway looking at him agape and then smirked at me. I quickly changed my focus to Gabe who was on the floor. I noticed he had has little toolbox and was also shirtless but instead of shorts he was wearing his boxer briefs because you know how little boys are. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them.

"Awe Gabe are you helping Daddy?" I said as I walked into the room.

"Yeah Mom! We're putting baby Hope's crib together. " he said as he took one of his little tools and pretended like he was helping screw one of the parts of the crib together.

"He came in here about 10 minutes ago and said he wanted to help me." Lucas chuckled.

"It's so cute. I need to get a picture." I said as I pulled out my phone. 

Gabe looked up and grinned "You're always taking pictures Mommy." 

"That's cause you'll only be little for so long. "I replied as I took a picture of him. 

"This crib is going to look so good in here Maya. You did a great job picking it out." Lucas said as he continued to work on putting Hope's crib together. 

"Especially with the color of the walls." I replied. "I'm going to want her with us the first couple of months though." 

"Yeah for sure. I want her near us too." he said with a smile. 

"Mommy when will Hope be here?" Gabe asked. 

"Two more months." I replied. 

"What's taking her so long?" he asked causing Lucas and I to chuckle. 

"She has to grow a little bit longer, bud. We want her to be healthy remember?" Lucas asked him.

Gabe nodded "Yeah I remember." 

"It won't be long." I replied then I turned to look at Lucas. "I'll be in our room either watching a movie in bed or napping." 

Lucas looked at me and smiled "Go relax." 

So that's what I did. I went to our room and just relaxed in bed. A couple hours later Gabe came in with me. He crawled up in bed with me and put his hand on my belly. I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was already so in love with his sister. He loved to talk to her and feel her kick. I knew he was going to be such a wonderful big brother. 

"How come she's not moving Mommy?" he said as he looked up at me with a confused expression on his face. 

"She was earlier baby. Sometimes baby Hope sleeps in Mommy's tummy." I answered. 

Gabe got under the covers then cuddled into me by laying his head on my chest. "When Baby Hope comes we'll still be able to cuddle together right?" he asked.

"Yeah of course baby." I said as I hugged him tighter. "What made you ask that?" 

"Alex told me when Aiden was born that his Mommy was busy a lot." Gabe replied. 

"Well that's true Mommy might be a little bit more busier than usual if Hope needs fed or her diaper needs changed but I'll always make time for you no matter what." I replied. 

"Even when Marah comes too?" he asked. 

"Yes, even when Marah comes. I'll need you guys to help Mommy with the baby. I'l need your help a lot." I answered. 

"That's true.Do you think baby Hope will pee on Daddy like Lyssie did to Uncler Farkle?" he said as he stated laughing. 

"Probably. Imagine Daddy's face if that happened." I laughed with him. 

"Yeah lets imagine that." Lucas said as he walked into the room. 

"You know it would be funny." I said as I laughed harder. 

"Come look at the girls room. I got it all finished." Lucas said to me. 

Gabe and I got up out of bed and Lucas took me by the hand leading me to the girls room. When we walked into the room it brought a smile to my face to see what all he had done. The beds were together and right where I wanted them. He even put the bedding on. I was so happy. I turned to look him and tried not to cry.

"Thank you for doing all of this, It looks beautiful." I said as I turned to look at him. 

"Anything for you my love. You did great with the decor." he said as he leaned in and kissed me softly. 

"The only thing left to do is I want to buy decor letters to put on the wall so that it spells out their name on the wall beside their beds." 

"Sounds perfect! We just need to get their dressers sets in here and it will be all finished." he replied. 

"Mommy did you see this?" Gabe said as he walked over towards the window. 

I looked up to see what he was talking about and nearly gasped when I saw what he was referring to. Unbeknownst to me Lucas had built the girls a bay window in their room.  I wondered when he had done this because I hadn't noticed it when I was in there before. 

"You made them a Bay Window?" I said as I looked up at Lucas and smiled. 

" I did. I had a lot of it already made I just kind of had to put the pieces together. I built it for them because you told me the stories about you an Riley. I wanted Hope and her new sister to have a Bay Window too." he said with a smile. 

"Yeah Mommy I hope I have a brother after baby Hope gets here so I can have one in my room too." Gabe said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"We'll see about that." I replied and he just smiled back at me. 

"I think we can wait a couple years on that Gabe." Lucas said and Gabe just smiled back it. 

I wrapped my arms around Lucas and smiled "Everything is perfect. I love you. Thank you for being such an amazing dad and doing all this even though I was a stubborn pain in the ass." 

Lucas smiled "I'm used to your stubborn ass its nothing new. And you're welcome. I love you more than life itself and would do anything to make you happy." 

I kissed Lucas softly before pulling away. It was getting late and we hadn't ate dinner yet. I decided to be lazy and ordered out. Pizza for the boys and a sub for me. After we ate I bathed Gabe then we all three watched a movie before going to bed. I love my family. 

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