chapter three

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As I rifle through some of the textbooks and loose notepaper in my locker, Emily walks up to me and asks me if I'm ready to go.

"Yes, let's go."

While we're walking down the hallway I mull over how to ask her about the job application form she said she'd get for me while she was getting one for herself yesterday.



"You don't even know what I'm going to say!" 

"I know exactly what you were going to say. But no, I didn't get you an application, sorry."


"Do you really think it's a good idea?" she sighs.

"I really need a job. I have to start saving money for college."

"Don't your parents have that all sorted?" she asks, seemingly annoyed with me.

"No, do yours?"

She glares at me. "Well, I didn't mean that anyway. I meant why do you want to work at the Brew? There are plenty more places to work in Rosewood. Try the Grille? Or the radio shack? I've heard the bakery's hiring."

"Emily, stop. I'm going to apply to a few places as well as the Brew." I lie.

She hands me a knowing look. "I just think you're being impulsive. It's clear Nicole doesn't want you around. And Mr Fitz is our teacher."

"You're working there."

"I don't have a crush on the owner, though."

"That's not funny, Emily. I don't have a crush on him."

"Okay, fine. But...just be careful, please?"

"I will. You know I will." I reassure her.

"Do you want to come to the movies tonight?" she asks as we're about to part ways.


"Mom, is it okay if I go to the movies with Emily tonight?"

She glances at me from across the dinner table.

"Emily said her mom will drop me off when the movie's done." I don't know how to take her silence. "I already told her I'd go."

She sighs. "You should take your own keys just in case you want to stop for dinner or something afterwards."

"Okay," I nod, tying to stifle my enthusiasm.


I arrive at the movie theatre later than I had originally planned, but only Emily's stood in the queue so I assume the others are late too. But a girl I know as Spencer Hastings joins us with an armful of snacks and drinks; I don't know the girl following behind her.

"We just brought things everyone might like." She turns to me, attempting to hold out her hand but not quite managing to do so, "I'm Spencer, by the way."


"Yeah, I know," she replies.

"A forewarning, she's a bit of a know-it-all," Emily whispers.

Spencer's mouth hangs open, in pretend offence. "That means no candy for you!"

"And this is my girlfriend, Maya." Emily introduces the girl who has shyly held back until now.

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