chapter thirty-one

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Emily POV:

Aria's mom texted me this morning telling us that Aria had gone out of town for a few hours, so we went over to the house to help prepare the surprise party for her and Ezra.

Ella had already started cooking dinner and the aroma circulating in the house was mouth-watering. She leads us outside and tells us what still needs to be done. The four of us decide to split the tasks equally between us: Spencer and I are in charge of the lights, and Hanna and Mona are in charge of setting out the tables and chairs.

Spencer becomes increasingly frustrated by the lights tangled into an impossible mess, but we eventually sort them into something we can use to decorate.

Hanna and Mona drape a white, embroidered table cloth over the long wooden table and set out the plates, glasses and cutlery. There are four delicate lanterns housing tea-tree lights evenly spaced down the centre of the table. It looked beautiful.

"Mrs Montgomery, when will Aria and Ezra be here?" I ask, remembering I need to pick Sabrina, Toby, and Caleb up from the Brew.

"In about half an hour. If you need to pick anyone up, I would do it now Emily."

I nod, reassuring her I'll be back soon. She glances at her wristwatch anxiously, and I rush to grab my car keys out of my coat pocket.

As I drive closer to the Brew, I can see the three of them waiting for me and making awkward attempts at conversation. The only common ground they have is their mutual friendships, and Nicole and Alison. None of us would ever let this slip in front of Aria but it has been hard adjusting to the way things are now.

Sabrina takes the front seat, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Drive now, make out later," Caleb quips, tapping on either side of my seat. I glare at him through the rear-view mirror and see him wink at me, letting me know it was only a joke.

At Aria's house, people rush around checking to see how everything is before Aria and Ezra arrive. I suddenly feel a wave of sadness lurch my stomach; it's starting to settle in that I won't see Aria in person for a year.

Aria POV:

As Ezra pulls the car into the driveway, I spot Zak's car blocking our spot.

"Oh great," I mumble.

"What's wrong?" Ezra asks, being careful not to hit the back of Zak's car.

"That's Zak's car, so a family dinner of four just became a family dinner of five."

"He's your mom's boyfriend, Aria. You're not going to be able to avoid him forever."

"I can try," I reply.

The lights are off inside the house and the table isn't set.


"Hey, Aria. Ezra." She smiles.

"Mom, I thought we were having dinner."

"We are, honey. We're just waiting for you."

I look to the table, confused.

"We're having it outside."

"Okay." I laugh at the spontaneity and follow her into the backyard. I look to Ezra but he shakes his head, telling me he doesn't know what's going on either.

But it becomes clearer once we step onto the porch. The garden looks incredible. I see our friends stood around the table and smiling at Ezra and I; I can't help but smile too.

"Mom, what...?"

"We wanted it to be a surprise for you both."

"Thank you, mom," I say, hugging her.

"Thank your friends too, they were a huge help."

I turn and walk over to them, thanking them for everything, not just for tonight but for all the time I've known them. Looking over to Ezra, his smile is just as wide as my own. Saying goodbye is bittersweet, but knowing we'll come back and see them all again soon is what makes the farewell easier to bear.

Once dinner is over, Emily stands and taps on her half-full wine glass to make a toast.

"To my best friend, Aria. So much has happened in such a short time that it's hard to remember that I haven't known you long. But it feels like we've known each other forever. You're an inspiration to us all. I know we're all going off on our own paths, but we'll always be here for you."

"Em...thank you." I stand to envelop her in a hug. "I love you." I say as everyone claps.

I stay stood up, feeling myself tremble slightly under the pressure. "I had my reservations about coming to Rosewood, and despite everything that's happened, I proved most of my expectations wrong. I found the best friends I could ever ask for, and a place I will always call home. And Ezra, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You've been my strength through it all and although I'll miss everyone here, I can't wait to spend the next few months with you. I love each and every one of you, thank you for everything."

I sit down and exhale before they applaud and we drink. The positive atmosphere draws me in and I almost want to stay here in this point in time forever. I see Mike rush out of the house with his speakers and I look to my mom, surprised she would let him after the fiasco with our neighbour for the "noise we were making" the last time we used them.

"Mom, are you saying we can use these?"

"Why not?" she says.

I laugh, liking this laid-back version of my mom. I look over to Ezra who's already walking over to me and holding his hand out. It felt a little silly dancing in front of everyone at first, like a premature first-dance. But dancing with him was fun and special. Everyone joined in, dancing with their friends and partners, and as I looked around at everyone's faces lit up with joy, I instantly know that everything will be okay. 

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