chapter thirty-two

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II wake up beside Ezra to the morning sun glowing through the curtains. I look at him deep in sleep and smile at how peaceful mornings in this apartment are. Twisting myself around to look at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table, I see I've woken up a while before the six-thirty alarm that we'd set last night. It's currently six in the morning; our flight for LA doesn't leave until one. I yawn and contemplate going back to sleep, but thinking about leaving Rosewood today is what keeps the temptation of more sleep at bay.

After the dinner last night, my mom helped me put my luggage into the boot of Ezra's car before we went home to his apartment. My mom and I shared a long hug, as she told me she loved me, reminded me to call her every night, and then dabbed at her eyes as she guided me to the car.

I was worried what she was going to say to Ezra, though. Their relationship is unpredictable. But hearing her say what she did to Ezra made me feel content and relieved to know we finally had her acceptance.

"Promise me you'll look after her," she said.

Ezra nodded and she pulled him into a hug, which I was just as surprised at as he was.

"Thank you for making her happy and feel loved. It's all I've ever wanted for her and I'm glad she found it with you."

Ezra didn't reply, but I could tell it meant a lot to him to hear her say that. She pushed him gently towards his car. I wiped away the tears that had rolled down my cheeks and looked to Ezra in the driver's seat.

"Who'd have thought?" he said.

Ezra stirs but he doesn't wake, so I get out of bed to make us both some breakfast and take the easy option of pancakes and syrup. Just as I'm about to serve them up, I hear the alarm clock sound in the bedroom and clatter to the ground. I laugh, knowing Ezra had probably just thrown it across the room for disturbing his sleep. He yawns loudly as he trudges down the stairs, still clad in his pyjamas and dressing gown.

"Good morning," I say.

"Good morning," he replies, kissing me. "What's all this?"

" breakfast."

"This looks amazing!"

"Today's the day," I say, cringing inwardly at the cliché.

"It sure is. How are you feeling?"

"Great, actually. You?"

"Me too." He smiles.

As we gather our luggage together at the door, we double-check the apartment one last time.

"Your suitcase, check. Passports, check. Luggage tags, check. Phones, check," Ezra lists.

"Everything, check," I say happily.

He receives a text from Wesley that he's waiting for us outside.

"I think we're ready to go now anyway," I say.

Wesley helps us with our luggage but raises an eyebrow at the amount.

"Did I miss the part where you're moving house?" he jokes.

Ezra and I sit in the back of the car and watch as Rosewood melts away behind us. Ezra and Wesley spend most of the time discussing business plans, which I have to admit was boring. As the airport comes into view, Ezra and Wes are still in the middle of talking about the Brew's temperamental coffee machines and how sometimes the till needs forcing shut, and I'm glad at the good timing.

"Wes, don't miss the turning."

"Relax, Aria, I've got it," he says, confidently.


"Yes..." He squints to look for the opening.

"Because you just drove straight past it." I laugh.

He turns around at the next opportunity and pulls into the drop-off bay. We grab our luggage and awkwardly hug Wesley goodbye.

"Please don't trash my coffee shop or my apartment," Ezra warns.

Wesley laughs, definitely planning to at least one of those things.

"I mean it, Wes. We want everything that's ours to still be there when we get back."

"Okay, okay," Wesley agrees, "no parties, no girls. Gotcha."

"Well, we'll see you next year," Ezra smiles, a little sadly.

"See you soon, Wes," I say.

Once we're seated on the plane, he lets me take the window seat, although I'm sure we'll switch mid-flight. The take-off is rough but I clasp Ezra's hand as we soar thousands of feet into the air. I sigh with relief when that part is over and look out of the window into the world below.

"Did you bring any books?" I ask him, not remembering seeing any of his in our luggage.

"No, but I brought this." He holds up his Kindle, which means we'll have enough to last for the entirety of our trip.

"Do you want an earphone?" I ask after a while of travelling.

"Sure." He takes it from me.

"What do you want to listen to?" I ask.

"That one." He points to Happiness by The Fray and I think of our first memory with this song, in the bar before we were together. I smile and so does he.

Being with Ezra has always been a risk, but it was a risk I was willing to take because a life without him is unimaginable to me. He makes me feel safe and happy and hopeful, which is more than I could have ever asked for. He's the best person I know and one of the very few I trust. No matter what it is we go through, we'll always come out stronger on the other side. I'm in love with him.

And I know that will last forever. 

The end . 

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