chapter twenty-four

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"Ezra?" I call out, after I wake up in the morning.

There's no answer, so I go to the kitchen and see his note secured to the refrigerator door by a magnet.

Gone into town. I'll be back soon. -E

I leave the note on the kitchen worktop, and head upstairs for a shower. I shiver. The water isn't warm enough. I turn the heat up a little, feeling soothed by the hot droplets trickling down my neck and along my spine. The trial is tomorrow and I can't let it go. The anxiety creeps into my mind, sabotaging each positive thought I have.

I wrap myself into a towel and find my slightly-creased clothes in the bottom of my backpack. A clatter in the kitchen startles me; a choked noise escapes my throat and I clamp my hand to my mouth. This isn't happening. My heart races and the room sways. I slowly make my way towards the noise, grabbing a candlestick from a table at the top of the staircase. I pause, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, before hearing the quiet padding of footsteps emerging around the corner.

Without looking I move to hit them with the candlestick, letting out a scream when I collide with the person.

"Jesus Christ, Aria!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say, hitting him on the arm with the candlestick less seriously.

"I live here." He chuckles. "I thought you'd gone home."

I shake my head, pushing the damp hair from my face.

"I'm sorry. I should have called to you," He says.

"You don't have to apologise." I kiss his cheek and head back up the stairs to change, noticing how cold it is in here after the hot water I was stood under.

Ezra follows close behind me. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?"


"I'll be here every step of the way, you know."

"I know you will." I pull my shirt on over my head. "But it doesn't stop me from fearing the worst." I walk over to him. "And I'll be here for you too. I know people are focused on what they did to me, but I think they also forget what you've been through as well. You didn't deserve how Nicole treated you. That would be the thing I'd change if I had the chance."

"Really? That's what you'd change?" He looks at me, surprised.

I nod. "And I don't care what people say about you, about me, or about our relationship tomorrow. As long as you're there, and we get the justice we deserve, everything will be fine."

"I love you." He kisses me and I break out into laughter as he tickles my sides. We fall back on the bed.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Half past ten."

I smile at him. "I think we have a few hours to spare."

"I can think of plenty of ways to pass the time." He smirks.

Our attorney calls a few hours later, and Ezra takes it.

"Hello...yes, this is Ezra Fitz...yes we'll be here in an hour...okay...okay...thank you."

"What did she say?"

"She's coming here in an hour to talk things through."

I exhale anxiously.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry," he says, but I can't tell if he's reassuring me or himself or the both of us. I think the two of us are starting to feel the pressure of the trial seeping in now.

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