chapter twenty

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We arrive at an Italian restaurant, making it just in time for our seven o'clock reservation. We're led across the room by a waitress to a table for two by the window, where the last remnants of daylight shine through. She hands us a menu each and we thank her.

"Just in time," Ezra says, tucking his chair under the table, and glancing outside.

A few minutes later, the same waitress as before returns to us to take our orders. I make out her name 'Lauren' in black writing on her name-badge.

"I'll have the vegetarian lasagne, please." I tell her as she frantically scribbles it down.

"I'll have the non-vegetarian lasagne, please," Ezra says.

"What would you like to drink?" she asks. Her voice is quiet; soft. She's young, perhaps she's around Ezra's age. She leans awkwardly to one side as she stands, pen poised at her notepad to write things down. Nevertheless, she looks like she's been pulled straight from the glossy pages of a vogue magazine.

"I'll have a glass of red wine, please," Ezra says.

"You want the same as him?" she asks, tapping her pen on her notepad impatiently.

"Yes, thank you," I reply, quickly.

"At least she didn't ask for your ID," Ezra says.

The waitress returns, places our drinks on the table and rushes off again, all in exactly ten seconds.

"You'd think they'd do something other than water, wouldn't you?"

"I think they do," Ezra says, looking at the menu.

"Hm. I mean, kids come here to eat, surely..." but as I glance around, I realise that this isn't a place for young children. "Maybe not," I add.

The beverage hits the back of my throat and I screw my face up in noticeable distaste; Ezra leans on his hand and stifles a laugh.

"No, go ahead, laugh at my expense, I don't mind," I say sarcastically. "I love this place."

"Me too," he replies. "You look beautiful tonight. Did I mention that already?"

"I think you did." I can feel myself blushing, and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

The waitress brings our meals, interrupting the comfortable silence that had settled between us. "Enjoy your meal, Mr and Mrs Fitz."

I raise my eyebrows at Ezra and can't help but smile. "You made reservations for us as a married couple?"

"Sorry, was that too forward? It was just for easiness I-"

"Don't worry, it's okay." I place my hand over his.

I feel a bit lightheaded, whether it's from the wine or from the pressure I suddenly feel. I hastily pull my away and begin to eat my food. Was it really just for easiness, or was he hoping for something more between us? I thought we were happy where we were. Besides, I'm still in high school, marriage is the last thing on my mind. I know we'll have a future together, but I don't want to rush into things we might regret a few years down the line.

"I want to thank you for today, Ezra."

"It wasn't too much?" He dabs at his mouth with a napkin.

"No, of course not. It was perfect."

"I know you liked Suzanne Collins' books, so when I saw she was doing a signing here in New York, I suggested to the other teachers that we should take a trip. They snapped up the chance. And to make it even better, the head of the English department has his literary contacts, which was why you were able to have a separate meeting."

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