chapter twenty-two

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The sunlight leaks into the dark room through a gap in the curtains, the gentle sounds of the morning outside break the silence. I wake in Ezra's shirt, stretching my arms out and groaning tiredly.

"Are you getting up now?" Ezra mumbles, his voice groggy.

"No," I say, turning onto my side to look at him.

"Come here, then." He opens his arm and wraps me into his side of the duvet; my head against his chest.

We wake again an hour later, careless about rushing around the apartment; we wanted to enjoy our Saturday morning for once.

"I wish we could just stay here all day," I say.

"We can if you want." He gently runs his thumb my cheek gently. "Are you okay?"

I nod, turning onto my back and looking at the ceiling. "I mean, I'm sure Mike didn't mean what he said. It was probably just the heat of the moment."

"Aria..." He reaches over to me.

"I know. I shouldn't defend him, but he's my brother. I can't help it."

"It wasn't just a petty argument. What he said was serious." He props himself up on one arm.

"And I want to be angry at him, but a part of me knows he's right," I admit.

"Hey," he says, sternly, "he is not right. Please don't ever think that. I'm surprised your mom didn't say anything."

"Well, why would she? Mike's always been her favourite," I shrug. "Don't sweat it."

He sighs. "How about..." he scoots over the bed closer to me, "I take you out for breakfast?"

"I'd like that." I smile.

We leave at eleven through the back door of his apartment, walking over to the Apple Rose Grille and taking seats at the window. It barely crosses our minds that people might see us together, but people are going to have to get used to this, especially with the upcoming trial.

The waitress takes our orders and returns a few moments later with the coffee.

"Thank you," we say.

I take a few big gulps, grateful for the caffeine boost. I look out over to the park across the street and my mind wanders to my friends; I miss them. I know they'll be back soon, and I don't want to wish the remainder of their trip away, but I still miss them. When our breakfast arrives, we tuck in hungrily.

"What time are you going home?" Ezra asks, halfway through eating.

"I'm not sure."

"You're not?"

I shake my head, "I'll figure something out."

"Look, I know you don't want to face Mike, but the sooner you do it, the easier it'll be."

"What happened to it wasn't just a petty argument?" I snap.

"Aria, I'm just trying to help you. Will you please let me help you for once?"

"That wasn't helping," I say, "you know I don't want to talk about Mike right now and you brought it up anyway."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. I know you're hurting right now, but please don't take this out on me," he asks, calmly.

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