chapter twenty-nine

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After the Rosewood High graduation ceremony, Ezra and I decided to tell my mom about the ring. She didn't react as I'd hoped, but it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. I'd already told my friends, which didn't bode well with my mom either. Ezra glanced uneasily at me as my mom walked through the house loudly disclosing her views on the situation.

"Maybe I should go..." Ezra said.

"I'm sorry, Ezra," I said quietly.

As he left, my mom turned what was a 'motherly concern' into a lecture of how every decision I make turns awry sooner rather than later. I wasn't used to her shouting or being open with me like that; it hurt to say the least.

"Aria," Ezra says, looking at me expectantly for an answer.

"Sorry, what?" I say.

He smiles. "I said are you staying here for the meeting with Wes and Sabrina?"

"I'll stay, I'll be upstairs out of the way, though."

"Are things okay between you and your mom?"

"I guess." I shrug, and kiss him after he hands me a mug of coffee from behind the counter of the Brew.

"Get a room," Wesley jokes, striding in through the main door. Ezra and I pull away, embarrassed by Wesley's interruption.

"Hey." I greet Wesley with an awkward embrace.

"Where's Sabrina? I've been dying to meet her."

I raise my eyebrows at him, smirking.

"Not like that, Aria. Just because..."

"'re into her?" I tease.

He doesn't reply, but turns a deep shade of crimson.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have a bit of competition."

"Oh yeah, who?"

I look at him, "I didn't think you cared." I smile. "Emily."

"I don't think I stand a chance against Emily."

"Don't worry, Wes. You'll find someone eventually." I place my hand reassuringly on his shoulder and I make my way up to the apartment.

As the next few hours pass, my eyes begin to burn from writing for so long. I yawn and stretch my limbs.

"Hey," Ezra says, walking through the door.

"Hey, how did the meeting go?" I ask.

"Good, I think."

"Do Wes and Sabrina get on well?" I choose not to mention mine and Wesley's conversation but I'm still curious.

"Actually, they fought like cat and dog half of the time."

"Oh," I say, surprised.

"I hope they can get on better while we're away."

"Me too," he agrees. "What should we do for dinner? Order in?"

"I'll cook if you want?" I offer.

"I'll give you a hand," he replies kindly.

Halfway through cooking, I suddenly get a wave of anxiety surging through me. Ezra must notice, because he nudges me asking if I'm all right.

"Of course." I smile, reassuringly. "Pass me the salt, please."

He hands me the pepper.



"The salt." I shake the pepper and it clicks.

"Oh! Here you go." We laugh, and he hands me the salt.

We sit down to our meal and I light a couple of candles on either side of the table. With everything that's happened recently, we haven't had time to sit and just be with each other.

"Have you started packing yet?" I ask him.

He looks at me sheepishly, takes a forkful food into his mouth, and mumbles something indecipherable.

"I guessed as much." I smirk.

"Well," he starts, "you have to start packing early."

"Why is that?" I ask, already knowing his answer.

"Really? Okay..." He places his knife and fork down, ready to start his list.

"Here we go." I laugh.

Ezra POV:

When I arrive back from taking Aria home, I curse when I find her notebook left on my desk. I text her and ask her if I don't get a reply. I pick it up, intending to move it when a letter falls out from between the pages. It's labelled with the address of the Rosewood hospital. I quickly dial Aria's number; I don't read the letter out of respect for her privacy but I need to know she's okay. 

Aria POV:

"You left your notebook here."

"Did I?" I check through my bag beside my bed and realise he's right. "Sorry, do you mind if I pick it up tomorrow?"

"Yeah, no that's fine...that's not really why I'm calling."

"What is it?"

"I just picked the book up to move it so I wouldn't spill anything on it, and a letter dropped out. I didn't open it but I saw the address and--"

"Ezra slow down. What letter?"

"The one from the Rosewood hospital." He says.

I sigh. "You weren't supposed to see that."


"I was going to tell you, but I thought it best to wait until they were a hundred percent sure."

"Aria, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"This isn't a talk we should be having over the phone. I'll come over."


"Yes, now. I'll see you in a minute."

"Okay." I hear the worry in his voice and him exhale to steady himself before he says "drive safe. I love you."

He paces across the kitchen floor chewing on his thumbnail. When he sees me, he smiles but looks worried.

"Ezra we should sit down." I smile, nervously.

He nods and joins me on the sofa.

"Well I've been going for my medical check-ups, you know, since the bunker, along with my therapy and all of those kinds of appointments. Well, they gave me the all-clear as you know. But a few weeks ago, I was in pain, so they ran tests. But, to second their diagnosis, they sent my results off to the lab at the hospital in LA. I wanted to tell you before, but I needed to be a hundred percent sure, and have a third opinion as well."

"Aria, please tell me what's wrong?" His voice cracks.

I look to my hands clasped together on my lap, "Ezra...they don't think I can have kids."

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