Chapter 16: Trouble in P.E.

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Hey guys I'm back! Here's a nice long chapter to make up for my absence, I know it's been what, almost a year since I've uploaded? So I baisically just wrote the first thing that popped into my head, and it turned into this..... Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!

Jinx walked towards the hall, for breakfast. It had been a month since the Hockey game and the young girl had gotten used to life at Charms High.  She had improved in her spells, and even in other classes, ever since she discovered her powers. Everything seemed to have calmed down a bit once the Hockey game, well at Charms High, “calm” usually meant the normal chaos and mischief and the usual classes. Professor Griffin had finally been returned to his original size; so the students now had Charms, instead of extra D.M.C.C. (much to everyone’s relief!).

This place is amazing Jinx thought, as she glanced at several different students from various cliques, using magic for their latest antics. I actually like my classes here, even D.M.C.C.  she smiled as she entered the hall, afteral Miss Crimson was still as cold-hearted as ever, but her classes became more bearable and interesting once they had finished learning about dragons. Jinx smiled, and walked off to what she now dubbed as “their” table, the table, she Kate, Natalia, Alice, Andrea, Rachel, Bridget, and Amy sat, some other girls would sometimes join them, but for the most part it was just them at the table.  

“What’re you so happy about?” questioned Kate, as she noticed her friend’s pleasant mood.

“Nothing. Just how lucky I am” She replied, as she sat down to eat.

The girls ate and talked about the latest pranks the first years had pulled, what they had done in their classes the day before, about teachers & their dismay over the fact that today they mostly had mortal classes. In Jinx’s case, she had Charms, History of Witches, and all 3 Sciences for the rest of the day.

Just then the headmistress walked into the hall, with an excited grin on her face. All around her students whispered of the possibility of something exciting happening. 

“Girls I’m pleased to tell you that we will resume our P.E. classes as normal, now that Hockey season has ended, Miss Belle is able to continue teaching you P.E.” the headmistress smiled. The students mumbled amongst themselves over this news, some groaned at the idea of seating, and doing outdoor activities again, others grinned and talked in excitement, over the fun activities P.E. had to ensure.

“What’s all this fuss about P.E.? Isn’t it normal excersise, except you use your powers?” Jinx questioned, it didn’t seem that thrilling to the young Witch, but she knew that nothing in Charms High was ever as it seemed.

“No not really.” Kate explained, “We use magical equipment, which is basically sport stuff that looks like mortal sport things, but have unique abilities. It’s a lot of fun”

TThey were then silenced by the headmistress, who made a loud whistle. “As I was saying, we will resume our P.E. lessons, so each form will have at least one of their mortal subjects replaced with P.E. For today, it will only be the second form who will have P.E. as their last lesson” She finished, then sat down.

This was followed by a series of cheers and cries of “Yes No Biology!” “See ya Science” from the Second Form. Jinx was delighted, this meant she now only had 2 science classes, I wouldn’t have minded having no science for the day, but I guess I can’[t have my cake and eat it too She thought, as the bell rang and students began to leave for the day’s lessons.

<later that day>

Jinx walked towards the Hockey Pitch with Kate by her side. Both girls had changed into their versions of the school P.E. kit and were discussing the possible activities they’d be doing in P. E.

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