Chapter 12: Powers awaken

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Hey guys I'm soo sorry for not updating for such a long time. I was on writters block for a while, but here's chapter 12 finally yay! Anyways back to the story xxx

One week later 

“I’m exhausted” Jinx yawned as she got dressed for the day.

It had been a week since the girl’s punishments and now all the students had to return to their normal classes, much to their dismay. Many of the students including Jinx and Kate were exhausted and had skipped breakfast to get ready.

 Jinx went to her shelf and got her books. She was far from ready for school; her hair was a mess and she had dark circles under her coal black eyes revealing the lack of sleep she had had during the course of last week.

The young witch was in a very bad mood. Her punishment seemed to have gotten worse. In the one week with the first years she had to stop numerous fights and had to dodge the strangest of weapons. Jinx was also the first years’ favourite target for “games” as they called them.

The young witch had been hit with paint balls and flour bombs during break time and had been drenched in water on one occasion. Overall the week with the first years had been utter torture for the girl and she regretted not listening to Kate’s warning.

Kate sighed and stared at her friend, she was eager to mutter “I told you so” however the dark haired witch knew that Jinx was in no mood for such a remark.

“I’m not surprised. From what you told me they seem a lot wilder than I imagined.” replied the witch with a reassuring look. “Sit down I’ll brush your hair, oh and nice hair by the way.” she continued with a kind smile.

“Thanks.” muttered Jinx in a slightly tired tone.

“S'alright.” Kate smirked trying to mimic a Chav. She was hoping to get at least a smile from her friend, as Jinx had been in a miserable mood all morning and the dark haired witch suspected it was because of the sleepless nights and working with the first years. 

Jinx smiled amusingly and thought back to yesterday when Miss Mary had prepared a suspicious looking potion for Jinx to drink.

“This potion will turn your hair back to it’s natural colour.” Miss Mary had explained while handing Jinx a large copper glass with a dark black liquid.

Jinx shuddered at the memor;, the potion tasted extremely bitter and the young witch had found herself running to a stall in the bathroom to puke after she had gulped the whole glass down with immense difficulty.

Several minutes later she had walked to a sink to wash her face. She looked in the mirror and was shocked at what she saw. There on the opposite side of the mirror was a girl who had dark brown hair coal black eyes, pale skin and was wearing the Chams High school uniform.

“Wow, it worked. I can’t believe it worked.” she whispered to herself.

Jinx had gotten so used to her hair changing colour and before she came to Charms High, her hair had been black (she had dyed it a year ago) so the young girl was surprised at how beautiful her hair looked in its natural colour.

The young witch was interrupted from her thoughts by Kate.

“So, what do you think?” questioned her friend with a smile.

Jinx looked into the mirror and admired Kate’s work. Kate had brushed Jinx’s hair so that her hair appeared wavy and had placed a black shiny clip on the sid, to push some hair back and reveal Jinx’s silver earrings.

“I like it!” replied Jinx smiling while they were leaving the dorms.

“What class do we have?”Jinx asked as she waked down the stairs.

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