Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye

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Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye  

Jinx opened the door to leave Helen’s office. As soon as she did this, she was sure she heard the other kids run to the games room. Jinx walked to the direction of the sounds, as soon as she entered the games room, all the kids turned towards her. Jinx was nervous. She had been at the orphanage for nearly her whole life and now she was going to leave them.  

“Hey….I know you guys already know this, but I’ll tell you anyway.” she said feeling rather nervous.

She glanced at the other kids as some looked confused whereas others looked heartbroken.  

“I….I got an offer to go to a boarding school…It’s called Charms High school for gifted Girls and I’m gonna go.” Jinx continued rather nervously.

  She waited for someone to speak up, but they were all taken aback by her announcement. .  

Finally someone spoke up “So…I guess we won’t be seeing you a lot, around here right? I mean I doubt you’ll wanna come visit in the holidays. I mean you’ll have tons of new boarding school friends to hang out with right?” said Jessica.    She was one of the older residents at the orphanage and also the most pessimistic.

  “Hey! Come on guys. Don’t be like that! She’s doing it for us! If Jinx doesn’t go then most of us will have to leave!” retorted Simon.  

Simon knew that the orphanage had far too many kids and that there was hardly enough room. Many of the kids were already cramped together in rooms already and there was talk that some of them would have to leave. 

He was the leader of the orphanage, the guy that everyone would rely on for a plan or scheme.  

Jinx whispered “Thanks” to him. Soon the others over came looking shocked.

  “Wow…it’s gonna be so different here without you...who else am I gonna tease every day?” said Becca West.  

She was at least a year younger than Jinx. Becca, along with her twin sister Jade (and some of the mischievous boys) would play pranks on some of the older kids. The twins were often nicknamed the 'The West Witches' they both dressed in black clothing and blonde, red, blue or purple streaks in their chestnut brown hair. Their pale complexion made them look quite gothic.

  “Don’t worry…I’m sure Elaine the pain will be a good target” Jinx replied with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.  

 Elaine the pain was one of the Social workers at the orphanage. She was despised by both the Social workers and residents of Wimbledon Orphanage. Her stubbornness and inability to listen to anyone constantly irritated everyone. Fortunately she only came once a month, trying to help the workers with her 'years of experience' the kids laughed.  

Soon Jinx became bombarded with questions about the school. “What’s the uniform like?”   “Do you have everything you need?” were some of the frequent question asked.  

Jinx replied honestly, “Yeah…the school said that they’re delivering it all tomorrow…but I’ve still got to pack stuff and I don’t know if I’ll need a new bag.”  

As soon as she said this the whole room faced Simon, the leader at the orphanage.

He quickly took charge. “Alright, all the younger boys go look up in the storage room for Jinx’s suitcase….. All the younger girls and possibly some of you middle ones go look for a bag for Jinx to buy and the rest of you go help her pack.”

 Everyone set to work. Jinx and a few of the older kids walked up to Jinx’s room and opened her cupboard (which was painted in a Gothic shade of purple and had pick handles) and chose various outfits for Jinx to wear. 

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